Khwahish- Epilogue

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"Maeen, please nahi rona!"

Masar pleaded the 2 year old who's lips were already wobbling and her eyes were a second away from shedding those precious pearls that humans called tears.


She protested with an angry look before delivering a sharp slap on Masar's cheek. Masar felt the prick of betrayal in his heart stronger than her slap on his face.

Dramatic? Yes.

But come on, the guy was now a proud father of the angel in front of him but it seems like the angel was in a sour mood since her baba decided to eat her chocolates in front of her eyes!

Now that's what a traitor would do.

How rude!

"I know, I know. You are angry but baba is feeling extremely guilty. Please baba ko maaf kardo. I promise, I'll bring you another box as soon as possible. Pretty please."

Masar pouted towards the end and widened his eyes as if sealing the promise and Maeen just cocked her head to the side with a cute frown on her face. Her chubby cheeks were losing the little bit of redness that had appeared on them due to her angry and sad state and her eyes were no longer overflowing with tears.


Masar smiled a smitten smile and quickly pulled her in his embrace. His light stubbled tickled her soft skin and little Maeen let out loud and pleasant giggles that made Masar feel on top of the world.

"Ji baba ki jaan. I'll bring your chocolates before you know it."

Saying that, he placed a kiss on her forehead and cute Maeen snuggled more into her father's protective embrace. Masar ran a hand across her back, lulling her gently back to sleep and Maeen soon closed her beautiful eyes before catching the train to her dreamland that was filled with the chocolates stolen by her baba.

Masar slumped down on the plush bed, careful enough to not make any sounds or move his hand that might wake his princess up. He smiled down at a sleeping Maeen, a feeling of disbelief was still there in his heart as to how he got lucky enough to be handed down the two of the most precious people that anyone could meet.

Four years of bliss with his Queen, his Ezah and two year since little Maeen stepped into the world. The gracious presence of their daughter brought more than a few baraqahs with it. The happiness that surrounded the married couple seemed to have been multiplied many times, their lives, their goals, all seemed to have hit the bullseye as Faeezah had now become one of the most prominent authors out there. Her first book hit different records everyday and each time was higher than the previous one.

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