Hamraaz- Pt 7

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Zamurad never knew his words of a few weeks would turn to four months. Trying to track down the porches who so cruelly took the lives of animals who couldn't voice their pain took most of his time. The higher ranges of the mountains didn't experience much sunshine, hence a cloudy weather was all he could glimpse at when feeling tired and lonely.

His phone seemed useless to him after he tried to connect with his family for the nth time. His heart ached to see the face of the person who had encaptured his sane senses since the first time their eyes clashed. A dull throb always remained in his rhythmically beating heart till his consciousness was in charge of his brain.

The day that he had awaited for four months had finally come. The day when he got his hands on the barbaric creatures who called themselves human beings.

But it seems like they forgot that there was a huge difference between human beings and being human. The former made the majority of the part of the earth- the people who lacked humanity at a level that not any word could describe.

Animals like red panda, snow leopard, and the Himalayan black bears had been hunted for ages. Their lives seemed to be of no value in the greedy eyes of the poachers who see nothing but the money they'd make after selling parts of these living beings as if they were machines. The government had strictly put a ban on hunting them and many other species around the area that were vulnerable to extinction, but some people just don't listen.

The forest administration was involved way after the case was secretly handed over to the military for a time being and to think that corruption could do wonders would be an understatement.

After days of arguing and presentation of evidence against the higher ups in the forest department, the military had found a sense of peace entering in their hearts on seeing the guilty ones being punished for their actions. These types of matters were rarely made to see the light of the day and now the majority of the population had no regards to the lives of the animals moving around, helping them in ways they don't bother to look into.

A day later after the whole situation had calmed down to an extent, Zamurad had politely asked for his leave from his general who was understanding enough to grant the permission.

A journey of 3 hours was then made through the plane and as soon as Zamurad stepped foot in the airport, he was quick to connect to the network and ring a bell to his home, to inform of his arrival. All he heard from the other side were loud squeals of his sister and tear-filled happy whispers of his mother but the voice that he craved for so long was not heard by his awaiting ears.

Stepping into the familiar environment of his home brought him a sense of peace that he hadn't experienced ever before. But along the peace came the anxiousness of what his eyes would meet with after crossing the door- more like who would meet him after crossing the door.

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