Hamraaz- Pt 1

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"Darya! Subah subah kaha nikal gayi?"

A huffing Zaahira asked to the empty cottage that they had been residing in since a week. Her cousin had a creative mind of her own and somehow, Darya smartly managed to pull her and the two of their other siblings in between the cold mountains for two weeks of nature expenditure.

Nature expenditure!

What did these cold, snow covered mountains even hold? Maybe unwanted flu, common cold and high fever but apart from that, Zaahira could not see a reason to be here in the first place.

"Mujhe kya. Main toh chali sone."

A small yawn escaped Zaahira's lips as she looked one last time to the main exit of the house and with sleepy steps, walked back to her room without a care of the world around her.

Meanwhile outside the warm wooden cottage, Darya sighed in bliss as her boot clad feet led her to a destination unknown. The snow crushed under her feet, making crunching sounds and often, she felt her boot submerging in them but that amused a happy Darya even more. Her face held a mischievous smile as she picked a little bit of the snow in her woollen glove covered hands and her eyes looked up once again towards the empty forest around her.

Her eyes surveyed the area, her magnificent camera hanging proudly around her neck, the canon EOS 5DS/R gleaming proudly with its black colour in the midst of the white environment. Her once excited eyes were now getting anxious as she searched for a serene view to capture it for a lifetime. Feed it in a world where time never moves, where no one could alter the natural beauty of the place around her.

The snow in her hands didn't seem to be melting any time soon and just as she was about to throw it back on the ground, her eyes met the beautiful white tailed fawn that had stopped by the tree trunk to give her a curious glance.

Her mouth parted in anticipation as her fingers slowly, carefully reached out for her camera. Her heart ran with impatience as she placed a hand on her camera lens and held it slightly up to her face. Her knees skilfully sinking into the snow covered ground while her eyes didn't dare leave the animal in front of her.

"Just a little more."

She whispered to herself and looked through the lens. The fawn was still giving her a skeptical look. The little thing had its head tilted a little to the side as it looked at Darya who was smiling softly to herself.

It took a lot of courage to remain naive in a world so cruel. She didn't know whether to classify animals as lucky beings who didn't encounter the manipulation and hatred of the world or to pity them for the tortures that are inflicted on them almost every hour.

"That's right. Pose for me."

It seemed as though the animal had almost understood her as it stood straighter. Its eyes stared right back at her. The doe-brown eyes looked like a reflection of innocence and that's when Darya clicked her masterpiece for the day.

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