Hassas- Pt 2

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Mayza stood in front of the mirror, clad in a rogue pink top lined with an inner white shirt and rogue coloured loose pants. The dress made her feel comfortable for the most part, until words unwanted came to haunt her again.

 The dress made her feel comfortable for the most part, until words unwanted came to haunt her again

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"You should be exercising now. Don't you feel humiliated?"

Mayza didn't fall on the overweight side, nor did she have an hourglass figure. But often she was criticised for her chubby cheeks and not so thin thighs. The familiar feeling of her throat being clogged broke her out of her thoughts with an alarmed gaze.

Stumbling to the side table near her bed, she served herself a glass of water with trembling hands, hoping to calm the turmoil that had bubbled at a violent pace.

"Ten, nine, eight..."

She softly counted to herself, waiting until her ragged breaths had turned to normal. Rubbing her chest to ease her breathing, she closed her eyes as tears fell.

"Everything is fine. You're fine."

She murmured after a few minutes, hoping to coax her brain into agreeing to her words and shutting out the undesirable past.

Her flight to Rome was set for the early hours in the morning. She was yet to convince herself that she'd be fine but for the sake of her family and her sanity, Mayza chose the path that seemed the roughest of all.

Or was it?

To be alone, to have some space to breathe, to forget the emotions in the eyes she had got accustomed to seeing the past few months- to finally realise that there was nothing wrong with her.

Maybe, just maybe, she'll find the closure she desperately wanted, find a new thread to hold onto- but just not in the name of love again.

Rubbing her palms together, she took hold of her suitcase and eyed herself for the last time in the mirror, clearly noticing the rims of red in her eyes and the dried patches on her cheeks.

No matter how much she wanted to avoid the thoughts, some of them provided her with the least amount of bitter truth after being accustomed to even bitter lies for the past months- she looked broken, looking for peace among chaos that brutally dispatched everything she believed in.

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