Hassas- Epilogue

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Waking up to little kisses on her forehead and the crown of her head, Mayza smiled in her sleep, snuggling closer to the warmth of the man she had become used to.

"Wake up, sleepy head."

Humaid whispered teasingly next to her ears, not making a move to separate their bodies. Even after five months of marriage, seeing her the first thing in the morning was equal to a surreal dream.

"Thoda aur sone de na."

"I'd have, but we'll be late."

He placed another soft kiss on the shell of ear, smiling when he heard her sign in bliss and bury her face in the crook of his neck. Her breath hit his bare skin, eliciting the slightest of shivers from him even though they were perfectly covered by the blanket. His hand rubbed her bare back from below the shirt, feeling every emotion when she made the smallest of sounds only meant for his ears.


Mayza whined when he pulled himself away, opening her eyes to glare at him only for them to droop once again.

Humaid laughed at how adorable she looked. Her nose was scrunched in displeasure while her brows were furrowed in annoyance. Pinching the tip of her nose gently, he kissed it once and then her cheeks before placing sweet pecks on her lips, silently pleading for her to wake up.

"Not fair..."

Mayza mumbled once he stopped giving her the addicting kisses. Opening her eyes completely, she sat up straight and met his eyes, taking her sweet time to appreciate her husband.

If she could see herself through his eyes, she'd see things that she never bothered to see. Wearing one of Humaid's many shirts with her hair ruffled, lips swollen, skin flushed and eyes so bright, she might fall in with her own self because she was the definition of a woman who was loved.

"Everything is fair in love-"

"Exactly. Come back to bed."

Mayza opened her hands, inviting him in for a hug- as in cuddles and more sleep and Humaid was tempted with every cell in his being to cancel the plans they had made for the day and do just that but he desperately wanted to witness the look of awe on her face when they reach the place she had always wished to see in person.

"No matter how alluring the deal is, we really shouldn't be late."

"You're no fun..."

Mayza grumbled once again, giving him a stink eye. Her words made him take a step forward. Placing one knee on the bed, Humaid leaned in, making her gulp at the change of expressions. Tucking a strand of her rogue hair behind her ear, he whispered haughtily to her, as though sharing a dirty secret.

"No fun, you say?"

Giving a small bite to the skin just below her neck, he heard her gasp at the sudden touch.

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