Hassas- Pt 5

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The trip to the Trevi fountain had been a havoc to say the least. The families that were travelling alongside them had a hard time controlling the kids from causing any ruckus especially when there lay a huge pool of water in front of them. Most of them had opted to screeching and crying but Mayza tried her best to zone them all out.

"It's so beautiful..."

She whispered to no one in particular. Her reflection stared back at her from the awfully clean water surface and Mayza couldn't look away. The ripples had her staring at them with an intensity, the marks of white and blue framed the face of her reflection and a small smile tugged at her lips upon seeing how she looked.

"Isn't it? One of my favourite spots if I'm being honest."

Mayza jumped slightly when another voice whispered the words right next to her. Her wide eyes looked at a sheepish looking Humaid and she narrowed hers in return, before giving him a mean look and turned her gaze back to her awaiting reflection.

"Do you know the legend?"

Mayza scrunched her nose at the question. Giving Humaid a part of her attention, she shook her head and he smiled- a smile of mischief.

"Legend has it that if you throw a coin in the fountain, you are bound to return back to Rome someday."

He shrugged lightly and pulled out two coins from his pocket. Today he had opted for something casual and not his suit and Mayza was only now noticing it. He had worn a grey sweatshirt with black denim jeans. The long sleeves were all huddled just below his elbow and Mayza blinked, not really aware of why she was staring shamelessly at him.


Humaid passed a coin to her and watched with amusement when her cheeks coated themselves in light shades of pink. Mayza cleared her throat and looked away, cursing herself for putting her hair in a bun since she could not use them to shield her face.

Breathing in and out a few times, she took hold of the coin from him and inspected it with curiosity. If the legends were true- Mayza shook her head again at the thought.

A part of her had always dreamt of this place as a setting where she'll weave a small part of her fairytale but with the way life was going, she was sure that it would take years before she found that lost piece of hers.

"Do you believe in it?"

Humaid couldn't help but smile at how innocent the question sounded. He stared at her side profile for a few seconds, unsure of what to say. The weather around was pretty pleasant and the warm wind just made him want to close his eyes and relax- albeit, beside a certain someone with whom he'd share his little secrets.

Knowing well that wishes had a bad habit of winding up one's sanity, Humaid was quick enough to move his eyes away from her and into the pond only to find his sane thoughts battling with the strings of his heart.

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