I hate the Homecoming Queen, I bet she cant stand me

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I walked into lunch and spotted Mae. She was sitting at a table with three guys.

"Lynn!" she exclaimed as she saw me. I waved and made my way over. "guys this is Lynn she's new, so I expect a warm welcome" Mae said to the four guys. "Im Max Velazquez" a guy with jet black spiked up hair. "Im Kaiden Dylan" a guy with buzz cut blond hair said. "Im Leo Martinez" a guy with light brown curly hair said. "Lynn Gunn" I said. "your brothers, the twins" Kaiden started to say. "Mitchell and Mika" I said. "yes" Kaiden said, "they have the girls dropping like flies" Kaiden said. "are they really that good looking?" Mae asked. "According to all the girls yes" Leo said. "Lynn you have to introduce me" Mae said. "uh sure," I said and shrugged.

I looked around and I saw Luis sitting with his friends. "don't even waste your time" a voice said behind me. I turned around and saw a tall girl with lavender colored hair. She had light blue clear eyes and she had a black nose ring.

"Kay!" Mae exclaimed and ran to hug her. "What are you doing here we thought you were gonna stay with your dad!" Max exclaimed. "my mum made me move back" Kay said and sat down next me. "who's this?" she asked. "Lynn Gunn" I said and stretched out my hand. "Kaycee Alcatran" she said and shook my hand.

"when'd you get back?" Leo asked. "yesterday night" Kay said. "we all have to hang out" Mae exclaimed. "my place" Leo said. "Lynn we'll walk there together after school" Mae said. "oh how cute you guys recruited a new friend, is she as messed up as you Kay?" a girl with long black asked. "Shut up Elizabeth, or I will break your nose again" Kay snapped. "Yeah right, bet you shes a little psycho that's why she's  hanging out with you" Elizabeth said and laughed.

"hey why don't you mind your own business" I shouted and turned around and faced her. "and who are you?" she asked. "your worst fucking nightmare" I shouted. "you think I'm scared of you?" she questioned. "why don't you keep walking and leave us alone" I said. "Elizabeth just leave" Max said.  "watch your mouth, it could get you into a lot of trouble" she growled and walked off.

I took a deep breath and sat down. "you just dug your own grave" Kaiden whispered. "that was Elizabeth Corona" Leo said. "she runs this school" Mae whispered. "people like that still exist?" I asked. "Unfortunately yes" Kay said as the bell rang. "just watch your back" Max said as we all got up. "And she likes Luis Coronel" Kay whispered to me as we walked down the hallway. "so don't let her catch you staring" Kay warmed me. "Thanks for the warning but I can watch my own back" I stated. "I like your spunk" Kay said and laughed,"we have lots in common" Kay said. "we do actually" I said. "come on let's get out of here before we step in the witch's path" Kay said and we walked off to English.

We walked into English and saw that Luis and Elizabeth were in that class. "This is just fantastic" Kay whispered as we took our seats in the back.

I took out my notebook and looked up towards the board, for a brief moment Luis and I made eye contact. "mama bear is going to get mad" Mae whispered. I looked over at Elizabeth who was giving me a death stares.

All throughout class Elizabeth was giving me dirty looks.

"There is way to much negative energy in this room" Kay said once the bell rang. "lets get out of here" I said and we walked out.

//Luis' POV//

"That new girl kept looking at you" Marco, my best friend stated once class ended. "Lynn" I said. "you know her?" Marco asked as we walked out. "yeah, I met her earlier" I said. "she's pretty" Marco said. "I guess, but she's different" I said. "I mean yeah she's hanging out with Mae and her friends" Marco stated. "Did you see that Kaycee's back" I said and elbowed Marco.

"Yeah talk about awkward" Marco said. "you just had to break her heart" I said as we walked into chemistry. "lets not talk about it" Marco said. "You're the one who brought Lynn up" I said. "I just wanted to state that you have another girl after you" Marco said and emphasized the word another. "but unlike those girls Lynn is different" Marco said. "she is, but she's not my type" I said. "Never say never" Marco said.

Marco was crazy, sure Lynn was pretty but she wasn't my type. She was different.



Song used as title: I hate the homecoming queen- Emily Osment 

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