Change your ticket

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::two days later::
//Luis' POV//

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I got up and took a shower.

Today was the day my life would be falling apart. They day Lynn left. Part of me wanted her to stay and throw it all away, but this was her dream.

I slipped on black T-shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans with grey vans. I fixed my hair and grabbed my phone.

I walked out of my house without saying a word and drove off to Lynn's house.

//Lynn's POV//

My alarm startled me, I had been up since three in the morning. Finally this day had arrived. The day Luis and I said our goodbyes.

I got up and took a shower. I changed into a grey knit oversized sweater with a pair of black leggings and peach colored vans. I tied my hair in a messy bun and grabbed my phone and suitcase.

I walked out without saying a word and waited for Luis come.



song used as title: Change your ticket- One Direction 

the calvin harris and zayn fight gave me a heart attack 

El que se enamora pierde: A Luis Coronel fanficWhere stories live. Discover now