This is how to be a heartbreaker

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"What are you doing?" Alex asked. "I um...see the thing is...I am...fuck" I stuttered. "Yeah you're fucked, what are you looking for?" Alex asked walking closer to me. "Beer" I said quietly. "Look at that little Lyndsey drinks, who would've thought a little fifteen year old sneaking in some beer. So cliché " Alex said and laughed. "I'm sixteen" I said. "My godmother wouldn't care, you're too young to drink" Diego said. "So are you" I stated. "This isn't about me love" Alex said. " please don't tell" I begged. "I won't, but you need to tell me why you need the beer" Alex said. "A bonfire" I said. "Okay, I'll give you the beer you want, but you owe me a favor" Alex said. "What favor?" I asked. "I'll let you know at a different time" Alex said as he looked me over," how much do you need?" Alex asked. "A twenty four pack" I said. "Don't drink and drive" Alex said before handing me the carton. "I won't" I said and walked out.

I walked into my room and placed the carton on the bedside table and started getting ready.

I changed into a black long sleeve shirt with a cream color jumper with a pair of black leggings. I slipped on a pair of gray wool socks with a pair of grey Bailey bow uggs. I dried my hair and styled it in its normal wavy state. I added foundation, mascara and nude lipstick. I slipped on a grey scarf with small golden stars and a black beanie.

I took one last look in the mirror before grabbing my phone. I grabbed the carton of beer and walked out the door.

I walked out and saw Max's car.

"If we get caught with beer we're all dead" I said as I sat next to Kay. "Don't worry, we wont get caught" Max said and drove off.

We drove off to pick up Leo, Mae and Kaiden.

"Alright lets go get wasted" Max said as we drove off to his cabin.

"Wait" I said. "What?" Max asked as he applied the brakes. "I wanna invite Luis" I said. "What?" They all asked completely shocked. "Let me explain" I said and told them the whole story.

"so he only flirted with you so he could get closer to your brothers so he could get them off the team?" Mae asked. "Yeah" I said. "I knew it!" kay shouted. "Wait if you know this, why are you inviting him to all these events?" Kaiden asked. "Cause two can play at that game" I said. "That's our girl!" Leo exclaimed. "Well then invite him" Max said.

There's gonna be a bonfire at Max's cabin, would you like to come? Marco is invited as well.

Sure, what's the address?

123 Magnolia Oak dr. Near Hollow Creek

We'll be there in like two hours.


"He's coming" I said and smiled.



Song used as title: How to be a heartbreaker- Marina and the diamonds 

El que se enamora pierde: A Luis Coronel fanficWhere stories live. Discover now