Esperon Luminescentias (Moon Magic)
Narvidia (Light Magic)
Elevin-Selvin (Foresight Magic)
Elementevon (Element Magic)
Venom Phantom (Shadow-Ghost-Spirit Magic)
Dizira (Potion Magic)
Sirenzania (Song Instrumental Magic)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Midnira Mid-near-ee-Uh
Queen of Esperon
Mother of Novaliera and Niderudion
Rules fairly and just above all
- Dark Blue hair
- Midnight Blue eyes
- Calm, mysterious, reserved, and serious
- Motives: Unknown
- Childhood not recordedNiderudion Nigh-dear-ROO-Dee-ON
Prince of Esperon
Twin brother of Novaliera
Son of Midnira
- Crimson hair
- Midnight Blue eyes
- Adventurous, hotheaded, playful, and trickster
- Motives: To bring peace to his kingdom and stop reedins from spreading darkness
- Childhood: Being Recorded nowNovaliera No-VAH-leer-RUH
Princess of Esperon
Twin sister of Niderudion
Daughter of Midnira
- Azure hair
- Midnight Blue eyes
- Quiet, loving, serious, and playful
- Motives: To follow her brother's plans and make sure they can both rule their own kingdom
- Childhood: Being Recorded nowNakosir Nah-KOW-Sir
Royal Knight of Esperon
Older brother of two sisters
- Cyan hair
- Green eyes
- Secretive, defensive, dependable, and loyal
- Motives: UnknownNaricelissa Nar-REE-cell-ESS-ee-uh
Civilian of the forest
One older brother and one younger sister, Nasima Nah-SEE-muh
Brother works under the royal family
- Turquoise
- Blue eyes
- Mysterious, vision-seeing, powerful, and abandoned
- Motives: To find the secret to her visions and stopping the world into darknessKesperos Keh-SPUR-row(s)
Fans of the royal family that love them in every way
Always nice and sweet to Esperons
Loves seeing the royal twins and the queen
Hates reedins and follows the twins in their viewsReedins Ree-deh-ins
A group that stopped the war over hundreds of years ago and forever oversees the kingdoms
Esperons think they are up to no good spreading darkness to the kingdoms
They are strong and cannot easily be swayed or defeated
Motives: Make sure everything follows according to plan
Silvon Arnado is Esperon's main Esperon. Sill-VEE-on Are-NAN-DoeItems
Lervizon - Calling and messaging device
Lur- VIZ-zeon
Narvidian Light
Kiridena (Queen) Kuh-air-ree-den-uh
Kyriadelia Kah-Eye-ree-del-ee-uh
Zyion VunDin-Sang -Zee-yong-vun-deh-en-Shuh-ang
Vizren (King) Veh-iz-ren
Elvon El-vuh-on
Relvon Ruh-el-vuh-on
Nelvren Nel-VER-en
Lavaria Lah-VAR-REE-uh
The Legendary Forest
FantasyHow far will you go to bring peace to your kingdom? How far will you go to protect your newly beloved? ~~ When the war split up the two major kingdoms of the forest, Reedins came and saved everyone from the destruction, but a vision was seen that th...