Chapter 13

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On the last day of the marathon of tests, Sarah finally returns to my room and sits next to where Trevor and I are sitting on my bed.
"I finally have a few minutes free. So what was the super important thing you wanted to tell me, like, a week ago?"

I take a deep breath. "Okay. Sarah. I've been trying to find a cure for sickle cell. My parents gave me a microscope, so I've been looking at my blood and doing some tests and one of them worked." I pause.

Sarah frowns, "So the cells started absorbing oxygen again?"

"Yeah. And guess what it was that did it? Light. Just, the microscope light!"

Sarah keeps frowning, "What kind of light, exactly?"

"Uh," I flip through my journal, finding the pages filled with my notes. "Normal compound microscope light bulb, 20 watts, American."
Sarah doesn't say anything for a while, just thinks. This whole time, Trevor has been intently staring at the ground, silent.

Finally Sarah speaks, "Hunter, you know Ben is studying Medical Sciences for his Masters? He's looking for a thesis topic right now." She looks at me expectantly.

"Really? And you think he'd want to study this?"

"You realize how huge this is, of course. Something this big, Hunter, no one could refuse it. I'll tell Ben to get to writing pre-lab reports and procedures. He's gonna be so excited!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2016 ⏰

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