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"Bruno!" I shout out, chasing after the man. "Hey!"

He jumps slightly at my sudden appearance, "Oh, hey! Y/n." he scratches the back of his head.

"How's your day been?" I nudge his shoulder and begin to walk next to him, I rarely wear shoes so the stone pathways in the small town are hot against my skin - the pathway warmed by the soon to set sun.

"It's been okay," He gives out his classic giggle, more of a noise than an actual laugh, "Little of this, little of that." he lightly rubs his hands together as he speaks, looking down at them.

"Are you stressed?" I raise my eyebrow slightly and place a hand on his shoulder at an attempt to comfort his usual twitchy self.

"Stress? What- stress? No, no, I'm uhh- I'm not stressed." he grows tense and stumbles over his words, blinking a lot and walking backwards in front of me so we were facing.

I smile, feeling sorry for the anxious man, wishing I could put ease to his struggle, "You know it's okay to-"

"Bruno!" A towns person, runs over to us, grabbing Bruno by his shoulders and twisting him to face them. "Please! I need you to tell me the future! Tell me if the crops will grow well this year! - You see, I just went to check and a few plants were dry and dying!"

"I uh- hold still.." Bruno reaches out and takes the person's hand from his shoulder, clearing his throat and taking a step back from them.

I watch in awe as he closes his eyes, squeezing them together for a moment before he opens them again; the usual dark brown colour now a vibrant green. The sand in the nooks and crannies of the cobbled pathway rising slightly and gathering to Bruno's other hand as it outstretches into the air. Through the miracle, the sand begins to glow and form into glass - the energy gathering creating a reaction.

All goes calm, the unsettled sand now falling back to the floor.

Bruno places the glowing green glass into the hands of the villager and begins his departure, stopping to say a few words, "I'm sorry if it's not the answer you're looking for." He turns around and locks eyes with me, "Do you want to join me for something to eat at Hernando's- Uhh, if you're free of course- if you're not that's totally fine! I just-"

I grab his arm and pull him away from the situation, looking over my shoulder to see the person gazing into the glass with wonder. A smile makes its way to my face as I think of how that magical and then deep moment was interrupted by his sweet awkwardness.

"I would love to."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Bruno Madrigal and I had made friends, almost.. accidentally many years ago. Well, three years ago at Isabella's gift ceremony. We had bumped into eachother before, but since then, we saw eachother at least once every day since then.

So, when he gets embarrassed when asking me if I would like to hang out I find it funny. Funny and endearing. Its amusing as we always follow eachother anyway and he doesn't need to by shy anymore.

But I'm not complaining.

Hernando's is our go to dining place, the food is good, the atmosphere is calm and the workers know us well.

Can the future be changed? ~Bruno Madrigal x readerWhere stories live. Discover now