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"Oh, hey there little guy."

I place my hand against the wood and give it a little push, earning no result. So, instead I wrap my fingers around the edges of the board and pull.

It comes loose and swings open like a door.


I look down to see Bruno day on the floor, he jumps at my unexpected arrival and hits his head on the wall behind him. The small hallway opened up into a slightly bigger room where the man I had been looking for sat cross-legged on the floor.

"Phew." he pretends to sigh after he notices it's me, relief still clear in his voice, "I was afraid that you were a giant rat." He nervous chuckles, avoiding any eye contact with me.

I take a deep breath, sorting though my thoughts, "Have you been avoiding me?"

"Avoiding you?" his eyes grow wide and he becomes flustered, doing his usual routine of sharp anxious movements, unintelligibly rambling more to himself than me.

"Look, Bruno, it's okay if you have. Just tell me, and I promise I'll leave you alone. You won't have to hide in the walls anymore." I say, feeling a little dejected but not wanting to stay if it was going to annoy him.

"Y/n.." He rubs his forehead, "Honestly, I have-"

I turn to leave but he grabs my hand, keeping me with him.

"But! But, I don't want you to leave." his hand drops from mine, "Please, sit down. I have to confess something."

I sit down in front of him, our knees almost touching from the limited space. I keep silent, waiting for him to begin speaking, knowing it might take a moment for him to gather his words. He looks up at me, holding eye contact as he tried to get the first word out.

"I..." He sighs, head falling down in shame, "I accidentally looked into your future."

His admission came out quickly as if it were all one word. I blink a few times, trying to not to get frustrated. "What?" I ask. I had told him many times specifically that I did not want him to look.

"I am sorry, Y/n. I swear I didn't mean to-"

"Well?" I cross my arms over my chest, "Tell me what happened."

His mouth hangs open for a moment, his shoulders tense up before he continues, "The day you fell asleep, I took you back to yours, you're a deep sleeper so after I tucked you in, I... I kissed your forehead." His pace changes from slightly fast to rather fast, "And I'm sorry and then I don't know what happened, everything just flashed green and I saw everything and I got the glass and I just ran and I just felt to awful and embarrassed that-"

"It's okay, it's okay." I lean forward, placing my hands on his knees to calm his nerves. I take a deep breath to draw courage, "... is it.. bad?" He looks up at me. "Is something bad going to happen and that's why you've been avoiding me?" I ask, preparing myself for the worst.

"No! No, no. Its not bad- I mean I don't think it's bad but I don't know how you'll look at it. If-"

"Do you still have it?" I ask, "Do you still have the glass? Can I see?"

Can the future be changed? ~Bruno Madrigal x readerWhere stories live. Discover now