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"Do you ever wish that you had a gift?"

I look up from the clay on my turn table, pottery making put on hold from the shock of the out of pocket question.

"I mean-"

I fix the expression on my face, my hand instinctively going to rub my neck, "It's fine, I've just.. I've just never thought about it before." I shrug and lean back into my seat. "What do you think? What would my gift be?"

Bruno chuckles and moves closer from across the shop and sits in an old wooden chair that's half falling apart, "I like to think fire."

"You like to think, huh?"

"Well I uh- I don't think about it often you know it's just a thought that crossed my mind once when I was thinking about you- not that I think about you! Well, no, sorry, don't- of course I think about you, I care about you, I just-" he closes his eyes and sighs, calming his nerves and trying again, "I just think fire suits you."

"Would be handy as well." I affirm his words and go back to my pot, pressing my foot against the wooden peddle to power the turntable remotely. "All these pots I have to bake, an on-hand easy to produce fire would be golden."

Bruno smiles and leans in to get a closer look at my current creation, "How come you're always so busy with this stuff - no offense-"

"People drop stuff all the time." I glance up at him to quickly catch his eye.

"Hey! I don't break stuff all the time!"

"Hey Bruno, answer me a question real quick-"

"Go for it."

"Who am I making this bowl for right now?" I ask but don't hear a response. I chuckle a little, "More and more people are born here as well, so I have to make up for that."

Bruno gets out of his seat and wanders to one of the shelves I had stocked with a new item, "And people find new things to want."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Ahh!" I sigh out in exhaustion. "Bruno!"

I attempt to catch my breath as I get to the top of the seemingly endless climb of stairs. I always feel so unfit as it takes about and hour to climb them all, but since I do it so often, it has become easier over time.

"Bruno! You there?" I call out, taking a few staggered steps towards the hallway that led to his space.

"Y/n?" I see his head peek around from behind the large circular door.

"Hey!" All my energy suddenly comes back at the sight of him, my step perks up and I do a light jog to approach him faster. "How are you?I haven't seen you all day, I thought you'd come visit."

"Ah, sorry." He slinks back into his shoulders and opens the door wider for me to enter.

"So, what's going on?" I sit down on one of the stone perches at the side of the room. "You're acting stranger than usual."

He shuts the door and looks over at me, " 'Stranger than usual', thanks." he comes and sits next to me, legs up and slightly outstretched across the cold surface. "Mama is just becoming increasingly more frustrated with me, so I'm taking a little break from going into the village."

"What? Why?" I ask and frown to myself.

"People say it's my fault, like I create the futures instead of just relaying it to them." He mutters.

I look over at him, his chin at his chest, brown eyes filled with sadness as he stares down. "Is there anything I can do? Anything."

"Can I.." He hesitates before asking, "Can I look into your future?"

"Almost anything." I sigh, "I'm sorry Bruno, but what if it's not good."

"I understand." he looks at me with a sad smile. "What about a hug then?" he changes position, angling himself to face me more, hanging a leg off the side of the stone to leave a gap to sit and opens his arms wide for me to embrace him.

I practically jump across and do just that, holding him tight in attempt to comfort him. The current family Madrigal dynamic kept Bruno from recieving much emotional support.

His clothing smelt nice and his hair lightly tickled the side of my face.

"Y/n?" His voice muffles out, "Can you read my future for me?"

"Of course." He droops further into my shoulder and I place my hand on the back of his head, combing my fingers through his curly hair. "Your hair will be longer, you'll have more wrinkles for sure- Ow!" he pinches my side playfully at my remark and I continue. "Wrinkles aren't a bad thing! You'll have those little laugh lines by your eyes because you'll grow to be a lot happier than you are now."

"Prms?" his question becomes inaudible due to his face being buried into my shoulder - but through some miracle I can make out what he's saying.

"I promise."

He pulls me closer, holding me a little tighter as I continue to massage through his locks.

It felt nice. Bruno wasn't the only one of the both of us who hadn't been hugged in a long time. I know I shouldn't, but I do seek support in him the way he seeks it in me. We need eachother for the time being.

I begin to droop down and lose my posture slightly.

"Are you tired?" He asks, drawing my out of my lucid state.

"Yeah," an involentary yawn escapes my lips, "I usually ask Julietta for a treat to eat for when I get to the top of those stairs, but she was still in town."

"Ah, well.. Just rest."

Can the future be changed? ~Bruno Madrigal x readerWhere stories live. Discover now