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I jump awake, sitting up in a hurry, looking around at my surroundings.

Huh, I'm home.

I rub my forehead with the plan of my hand, closing my eyes and leaning back into the warm sheets, only to spring back up again.

"Bruno?" I call out, slipping out of bed, walking across the small room into the smaller living area, "Bruno, are you here?" I say a little louder, expecting to hear his voice reply from any direction.

My face falls into a frown as I begin to head down the creaky stairs into my pottery shop. I walk to the front door and check to see if it's locked before walking down the isles for the sight of anyone.

No one. Weird.

Oh well, at lest the door was locked and nothing had been stolen or broken.

I stroll back up to the further end of the room to where I make my kitchenware, the stone oven cold and empty. The bowl I was making for Bruno used to be in there.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I curl my knees to my chin, holding myself around my shins. My heart unrightfully felt heavy. today was the second day with so sign of Bruno. I had climbed up and down his tower, asked around the Madrigals - who had all seen him but couldn't find him.

Was he avoiding me?

At first I was worried I had overstayed my welcome, but after Julietta assured me all was well, I find myself sat in Bruno's prophecy room awaiting his arrival although it had been an hour or two.

My attention is grasped by a small squeaking noise coming from the far left wall. Curiosity and boredom gets the best of me and I press my ear against it for a better listen.

It sounded like rats- or mice, maybe.

I scan my eyes over the stone wall to see if I could see a way in to where they were.

Bruno had a soft spot in his heart for animals, no doubt struck me that he would attempt to find them, the same way I'm trying to now. And if he's not there... at least I get to pet some - hopefully - friendly rats. I still have some food on me to feed them.

I leave the circular room and glance across the hallway. Structures of him lined the walls of both sides. I inspect each carving, eventually reaching one with a wide enough gap for me to squeeze through onto the other side of the wall.

After a bit of wriggling and a few joints cracking, I fall through onto the other side, failing to keep my balance as I face plant to the wooden floor.

Wood! Does this mean I'm back within Casita?

I follow the small pathway through, trying to not let the scurrying and scratching and squeaking scare me - along with the twinge of claustrophobia.

Eventually the walkway grows more and walking becomes easier but it stops abruptly at a wall. I sigh and lean my back against it, the dead end dampening my spirits.

I look down and watch as a small rodent approaches me and runs around my feet, eventually scrambling through a tiny hole onto the other side. Moving away from the wall, I turn to face it as I hear a very familiar voice coming from the other side.

"Oh, hey there little guy."

Can the future be changed? ~Bruno Madrigal x readerWhere stories live. Discover now