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Cadence's POV

As I promised me and Sammy talked the whole time. I was driving my own car so Nate wouldn't get mad.

"I just wish that we could have done something about the tour ending so soon."

"Yeah. Me too. I miss it but I am ready to settle down for a little while." I say.

"Yeah. Like I love the fans and all, but sometimes I just want to do something without them being like, I am going to kill that slut he's with."

"I totally understand."


My phone beeps and its Lauren.

"Im hungry."

"Wtf we just ate like 25 min ago." I text back.

"Sammy, Lauren's hungry so we have to stop."

"She eats so much and she is so small."

"I know right."

We go to the BoJangle's and Lauren eats.

(bojangles is bae okay?)

•skipping to house bc who wants to hear about a boring car ride•

We finally made it to the house.

we unloaded all of our stuff and put in in our rooms. tomorrow we have to go get furniture.

tonight we are sleeping though.

we are at ikea picking out things for our house.

"I want this bed and dresser and everything." I heard Zoe say.

"Get it then." Matt said.

we all picked out our stuff and payed. they said that they would get it to us this afternoon.

"who wants to go shopping?" Lauren says.

"I do!!" Zoe and I say.

"I'm down. I haven't been shopping in a while." skate said.

so we go to the mall and of course fans see us.

the girls run as fast as we can away into a store.

we go to Victoria Secret, Hollister, American Eagle, Hot Topic, and Bath and Body Works.

We all meet in the food court and eat Panda Express.

we head home and unload our things. when we finish that the furniture is here.

we help unload that and then we all play games.

I go upstairs and I take a shower.

"Hey babe."


"Will you go on a date with me?"

"Yes. I will go on a date with you. "

we go grocery shopping.

we have 7 buggies full of things.

the guys got junk food and soap for them.

the girls got stuff to cook and toliet paper and things like that.

we all go back home to get everything organized.

it has been a successful day.

okay so not the best chapter but aye.

I have been really busy so I can't update as often. but I'm trying.

insta- tropixomaha

younow- tropicalomaha

Twitter- sammyw17k

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stay beautiful❤️

I'm calling you guys my pizzas.

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