Chapter 18: Tears of victory

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My breath hitched as Phil let those words out of his mouth. Tears threatened to fall as I looked at my tea and willed those unwanted tears back.

"Don't. Say. That. To. Me. Ever. Again." I hated how angry I sounded at the moment. Hated how I envied his happiness.

I looked up at him once I was sure those tears were gone, "I'm sorry, Melinda. I didn't think-" He sighed, "Look, we have two daughters in our life. Daisy and the other one hasn't been born yet. I don't want you to loose Layla and you won't loose her. Not again. She's waiting for you on the other side. She was devastated when she found out you were gone. I promised her that I'd bring her mother back home. I don't know what will happen if I don't. Melinda, this world isn't real. It's a program built to keep you busy. It's an illegal experiment." He whispered the last part. "Nobody except us is real. Everyone and I mean everyone else are just a program. This world is a mirror of our world but it removed our biggest mistake."

"Layla." I figured.

"Yeah, you see, SHIELD won in our world. We were on a mission and left Layla with my sister. Someone took her and killed my sister. We both regretted leaving her at home. So did Maria. We found Layla two years ago in a van. She hacked into SHIELD. I became the director of SHIELD and you became my right hand." He smiled, "And then, we got married and found out you were pregnant again."

"That doesn't make any sense, Phil." I sipped my tea.

Something about that made him snort, "What?"

"It's- No, in our world, this is normal. We've both even died."

My eyes widened, "I wanna believe you. I really do. I'll give you one chance. Show me whatever doorway to doom you want to show me. Prove it to me." Because that seemed efficient.

"Ok. When?"

"Uh, tonight? I'll ask my mom if Layla can stay with her for the night."

"Of course."

I pulled out my flip phone and dialled my mother's phone number, "Melinda?" She answered.

"Hello, mom. Could you uh- Could Layla stay with you tonight?"

"Yes. Why?"

"Phil and I have something to do tonight."

"Are you giving me another grandchild?"

"Wha- no. Mom! We just have something to do. Which is not sex."

"I'll take care of Layla tonight. Enjoy your evening with Phil. And Melinda. If you're divorcing him, give me a warning."

I sighed, "No, mom, I'm not divorcing have."

"Good. Bye, Lina."

"Bye, mom."

I ended the call and let out a heavy sigh, "What's wrong?"

I looked and Phil and gave him a tired smile, "My mother thinks we're having sex tonight because that's easier to believe that living in a fake reality."

"Do you want to go home and get changed first or?"

"Uh," I looked at my clothes, I was wearing a coat over my work clothes, "Yes. Do you have to change?"

"I'll be fine in something more casual."


We changed into more casual clothes and decided to order dinner before leaving.

"Whatcha in the mood for?" Phil animatedly asked me.

I rolled my eyes, "Chinese?"

He nodded and made the call.

I put on 'Ocean's 11' and sat into the couch with the throw loosely wrapped around me. I patted the spot beside me when I saw Phil awkwardly stand there watching me.

Once he sat, I threw the throw over him and cuddled closer. I felt him kiss my forehead and shivered, we hadn't been this close since the shooting. I looked up into his ocean blue eyes and let my eyes slip down to his lip, I felt him do the same.

I looped my loose arm around his neck and pulled him closer, smiling as his lips touched mine.

I felt the need to deepen the kiss and Phil followed.

His hand slipped up my loose shirt I tightened my grip around his neck.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang and we abruptly pulled apart, panting.

"Get the door?" He nodded and left.

I sighed my rubbed my eyes. What the hell was I doing?

Phil came back into the room and kept the takeout boxes on the coffee table with a bottle of wine.

He poured the wine and handed me the glass which I willingly took.

We ate in silence until I broke it, "That was-"

"Overdue." He finished.

I rolled my eyes, "Aren't you married to me in your world?"

"Yeah, but," he smiled, "it's been a while." He looked up to meet my eyes, "Plus, you're pregnant."

I nodded in understanding, "We should go. It's getting late." I whispered.

He nodded and started tidying up while I called my mom to check up on Layla.

"Hey, Lay!"

"Hey, mommy! Grandma told me you and Daddy have something to do."

I nodded, "Yeah, just wanted to wish you a good night." I smiled.

"Good night, mommy! Where's daddy?"

"Uh, he's-" I called Phil over, "over here." I handed him the phone.

"Hey, Lay! Good night, love."

"Night, daddy! I love you!"

"Love you too, Angel eyes." He blew a kiss and handed me the phone.

"Love you, mommy!"

"Love you tons, darling."

I ended the call and felt Phil's presence over me, "You okay?"

"We're leaving her." I whispered.

"She's over in our world too." He rubbed my shoulder, "Don't worry."


"How can you be sure it'll work?"

"I can't. I guess it's gonna be a leap of faith kinda thing."

"It's not that easy for me."

"It is." He smiled, "Just follow my lead."

He fell into the pool of what looked like lava.

I bit my lip and followed.

I woke up with a startle, I looked around and calmed down. Daisy stood there with the strongest grin and Phil held his hand out for me.

"I followed you." I smiled.

"I'm amazed you went through. I was a little squirrelly at that end."

"It was kind cute."

I walked over to Daisy and hugged her, "I missed you, mom."

"Me too."

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