Chapter Two - At the Hospital (Miles's P.O.V.)

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When I woke up, I saw that I was in a bed. Hmm, that's strange. I could've sworn that I was in my office... After I tried to process this situation, I looked out of the window beside the bed and saw the bright light of the sun. Wasn't it dark out when I was in my office? Hmm, did I get drunk and go to a random stranger's house? No... I didn't drink any wine last night... This is very strange indeed... Suddenly, I heard footsteps approaching closer and closer to the room I was in. I let out a soft whimper as I heard them getting louder and louder. When the door was opening, I whined and braced myself for the worst. "Mr. Edgeworth, someone's here to visit you." I looked up to see a doctor standing in the doorway. A doctor? That must mean that I'm in a hospital... But why?

"Okay," I said in response as the doctor turned around to leave. I sat on the bed, trying to remember what happened before I woke up. Hmm... Let's see... I was in my office, with... Hngh... Who was it? Oh, it was Phoenix... In my office with Phoenix... We were arguing... Then... We started physically beating each other... He left... Then what happened? Before I could continue my remembering, someone walked into the room. "H-Hey, Miles..." He said in a somber tone. It took a second to realize that the man standing in the room was none other than Phoenix Wright.

"Why are you here?"

HNGH! MILES EDGEWORTH! THAT WAS A RUDE THING TO SAY TO YOUR FRIEND! As I was mentally scolding myself, I was also panicking and trying to excuse my rude question. "I-I DIDN'T MEAN IT LIKE THAT!!!! I... Um... I-I m-meant to ask what you're doing here! W-Wait no! I meant-"

"Miles, stop it." I finally stopped panicking and moved my head to look him in the eyes. His eyes are so... Pretty... The light blue of his right one and the dark grey of his left... nngh... Phoenix suddenly - and quite quickly - turned his head away from me. I was in a state of confusion until I saw why he did that sudden action. If it weren't for the light in the room and the fact that his hair isn't long enough to cover his face, I wouldn't have seen the tears rolling down his cheeks. "Ph-Phoenix, are you... Crying?" He quickly wiped his tears away with his sleeve and responded with a "no." I gave him a smug smirk. "Unfortunately for you, Wright, I have eyes and your hair cannot cover your face. So, you can stop lying to me." He glared at me before looking away again. "Phoenix. Look at me." He whimpered softly. "Please..." My voice was getting desperate at this point. He looked at me, eyes wet with tears. "Why are you crying?"

"Because... It's my fault..." My eyes widened in shock. "Your fault for what?"

"My fault... That you're in this hospital... If I'd have just not gotten so pissed at you, I could've stayed with you... And prevented you from getting shot..." I gulped nervously before closing my eyes. Shot? What is he talking abo- wait... A-After he left... I was cleaning the blood from the fight up... The door opened... Then, a random man walked in with a gun... And shot me... I heard quick footsteps approaching me, and before I knew it, Phoenix was hugging me and crying. "I-I'm so sorry, Miles! It... It's all m-my fault! I'm sorry..." I rubbed his back gently and hushed him. "Phoenix... It isn't your fault. Some random person came in and shot me after you left. Don't blame yourself for something that you had no control over."

"B-But... It is my fault. If I was just with you, he wouldn't have..."

"Phoenix Wright, stop that nonsense at once." I said sternly. He sniffled a bit and burried his face in my chest. I blushed. Why is he being so... Affectionate with me? "S-Sorry, Miles. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable..."

"N-No... It... It's fine, Wright..." With that, we both started to lean closer to each other. Our lips were a millimeter away from touching. Just as we were about to kiss, we heard the sound of the doorknob turning. Phoenix scrambled to get away from me as the door opened to reveal a nurse. "Mr. Wright. Visiting time is over. He needs more rest." She said as she pointed to me. Phoenix whined a bit before sighing. "All right, then. Bye, Miles."

"Farewell, Wright." He pushed himself off of the chair he sat in and walked out of the door, but not before giving me a small, sad smile. After he left, I was alone with my thoughts again. My mind was going over every part of his visit, especially the moment we almost... Kissed. Was I really about to kiss him? I mean, it surely seemed that way... But he's just my friend... Why do I feel so disappointed? Did I really want to kiss him that badly? I could feel my face getting redder by the second. Do I... Love him? That made my face go even redder. No, Miles Edgeworth. You are not, I repeat, NOT in love with Phoenix Wright. He's just a... Friend. I sighed, my eyes tearing up. Why am I crying at the thought of Phoenix just being a friend? Am I really, actually, in love with him? I groaned softly. I'll think about it later. Right now, I'm tired. And with that thought, I drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

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