Chapter Three - Saving Him (Miles's P.O.V.)

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Warning: attempted suicide

I was lying on my bed, thinking about what I should do. It's been a few months since I had seen Wright. The last time I saw him was when I was in the hospital. I was worried. He wasn't answering my calls or texts. I chuckled gently. It reminded of when I "died." I groaned and rolled into my side, burying my face in my pillow out of shame. That's in the past, Edgeworth. You shouldn't be thinking about things like that. It's been burried into the past, it's been dealt with already. No need to dig that terrible memory back up. Shaking that thought away, I continued to lie on my bed, occasionally snuggling against my blanket. I felt so warm, so good, it almost made me forget about the Phoenix situation. Stay focused, Miles. Your friend- I sighed and cuddled closer to my blanket, tears already forming in my eyes, and I just woke up a few hours ago. It still hurt to call him my friend, especially after I just confirmed my romantic feelings for him. Hnngh... I need to worry about his well-being, not my... Unnecessarily romantic feelings for Phoenix. I need to get my lazy ass out of bed and go find him. I got up with many protests from my body, telling me to just continue basking in the warmth of my blanket and to succumb to my need for sleep. I got dressed in a hoodie and a pair of pants and began my walk to Phoenix's apartment.

I felt like a zombie on my walk, and judging by how much sleep I got in the past few weeks -which wasn't a lot- I probably looked like one as well. But I ignored it and continued my short journey to that foolish hedgehog's apartment building. When I finally arrived, I knocked on the door. I heard some soft rustling sounds emitting from inside, but no one came to the door. "Wright! Open the door for me!"

"N-No..." He mumbled softly from inside. It sounded like he was trying not to cry. But I paid no heed to that fact and knocked harder on the door. "Wright! Open this damn door right now!" Still no answer. I was getting pretty pissed, so I started shouting and banging oh his door so loud that his neighbors must've thought I was trying to break into his apartment. But, despite my obnoxious banging and screaming, he still didn't open it. At this point, I was fed up with his shit, so I kicked the door open. As it swung open forcefully, I stared at it in shock. Damn, I didn't know I was that strong... I shook my head and entered the room. It was a complete mess in there. Empty wine bottles, clothes, and other pieces of garbage were strewn across the floor. Disgusted, I made my way through, checking most of Phoenix's apartment to find him, but to no avail. The last place I checked was his bedroom, and I found him inside, but not how I was expecting. He was standing on a chair, holding the hoop of a rope that was tied to his ceiling. His eyes were wide as saucers as he stared at me and vice versa. I could feel the tears running down my face as I looked at the man I loved trying to... Kill himself. I didn't even notice that I had said something until a few seconds after. "Wh-Why...?" I asked, my voice slightly hoarse. Phoenix got off of his chair and ran into my arms. "I-I'm so sorry, Miles! I'm... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." He whimpered through gentle sobs and whines. I hugged him and rubbed his back in a calming and soothing way. "Shh... It's going to be okay... Let's go to the couch to talk things over, okay?"

"O-Okay..." We walked to the couch in silence, and although it was a short walk, it felt as if it were an eternity to me. When I sat down on the couch, Phoenix hesitated for a split second before sitting down on my lap and burying his face into my chest, just like he did at the hospital. I felt my face getting a little heated before it slowly faded away. We stayed in the uncomfortable silence for a few seconds longer before it was inevitably broken by me. "Why did you try to... Commit suicide?" He looked down somberly. "B- Because... I got you hurt... A-And I thought... That if I left... I-I wouldn't be able to hurt you so much... Not anymore... Because I believe that you... You deserve happiness... Something that I don't give you... I'm sorry..."

I looked at him in my arms. He looked so... Vulnerable... I haven't seen his soft and vulnerable side -or him at all- since he visited me at the hospital. I held him closer as my mind was overrun with thoughts. Thinking... That's all I've been doing the last few months... I'm getting sick of it... "H-Hey, Miles?" My thoughts were thankfully interrupted by Phoenix. "Y-Yes, Wright?"

"C-Can we go to my bed and c-cuddle? I-I just want to feel another person holding me closely, and now that I think about it, I probably need it too." I blushed a light pink before answering. "O-Oh, uh, all right, Wright. We can." He smiled before trying to push himself off of me to walk there, but I grabbed his arm, stopping him. "M-Miles? What are you doing? I can't walk with you holding my arm..."

"I know that. I just wanted to carry you there." Phoenix was the one blushing now. "M-Miles! I-I can walk, you know! I don't n-need you to c-carry me!" I gently pushed him off of me so I could stand up. Before he could get up himself, I pushed one arm underneath his bent knees and the other behind his back and picked him up. "M-Miles! Put me down!" He whined. "I'm going to carry you whether you like it or not. Besides, there's nothing you can do about it."

"I can use my strength to get you to put me down." I snickered. "You know I'm stronger than you." He crossed his arms and pouted. "J-Just take me there, already!" I giggled and began to walk towards his room. I pushed the slightly open door fully open with my back and gently put him down on the bed. He looked up at me and smiled playfully. "What are you waiting for, Miles? Get in bed and cuddle me." I smiled back at him as I sat down. He grabbed my waist and pulled me down, climbing on top of me. I protested, but he didn't listen and nuzzled his head against my chest. I sighed and ran my fingers through his hair. I then drifted off to sleep, something I desperately needed to do, while one thought ran through my mind. What on earth am I going to do with you, Phoenix Wright?

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