Chapter Seven - Feeling Awkward (Phoenix's P.O.V.)

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AN: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to push the publish button. Here's the actual finished version.

Warning: touching, indicated sexual content

"Wright, is that y-you?"

I looked at the man in front of me, going down my mental checklist of Miles's memorable features and checking everything off. Gray hair, check. Dark green eyes, check. McDonald's hairstyle, check. Burgundy suit and white cravat, check. I groaned in annoyance. That's him, all right. "Can you please stop staring at me? It's weird."

"Forgive me, Your Majesty," I responded sarcastically as I bowed down for him. "Oh, shut the fuck up, smartass," he snapped back as he rolled his eyes. We both started laughing and chatting while we both got our groceries. I wanted to be mad at him for ignoring me, but I felt like I couldn't. It was like he never even ignored me. But during our conversation, we didn't notice the wet floor sign, and consequently fell down on each other. He was underneath me, while I was on top of him, my face on his chest. I quickly tried to scramble off, apologizing the whole time. Unfortunately, it was still slippery, so I kept slipping back onto him. He finally had enough and held my shoulders to keep me still. I was contemplating whether I should move off of him or stay still, but his piercing gaze was enough to make me chose the stay still option immediately. Miles's expression abruptly softened, his fingers moving gently on my cheek. I moaned softly at his touch, and I wanted to feel more. However, remembering that we were still in the store, I got up and extended my hand to Miles to help him up.

Miles looked annoyed that I got up. "No need to look so pissed, Miles. We're in public, after all." He looked to the ground, a light pinkish color forming on his pale cheeks. "O-Oh... I f-forgot about that..."

"Ha! And you say I'M forgetful." That didn't help at all. It made his blush deepen and his anger worsen. "S-Stop it, Ph-Phoenix! I don't like it wh-when you t-tease me!" I looked at him and rubbed his back gently. "Sorry, Miles. I didn't mean to make you upset."

"It's fine, Phoenix." It was awkwardly silent as we were finishing our shopping. After we paid for our stuff and were about to go our separate ways, Miles asked me something. "Can you come over to my house when you're done putting your groceries in your apartment?" I gasped, almost dropping my bags in the process. Miles wants ME to come over to his house!? I thought for a second before agreeing and rushing to my apartment building to put my stuff up. Once that was done, I sprinted as fast as I could to his house. When I got there, I knocked on the door, and Miles answered.

"Come in, Wright." I nodded and walked in, looking around in awe at the size of his house. Damn, I forgot how big his house was. He chuckled and sat down on his couch, motioning for me to join him. Smiling, I joined him on the couch. I had just sat down when he suddenly shoved me down and nuzzled his head against my chest. "M-Miles! Wh-What are you doing!?" I tried to push him off, but he didn't budge. Suddenly, I felt a strange tightness in my pants. I was confused for a second, but blushed in embarrassment once I realized what was happening. "Oh, looks like you're excited about this~" Miles purred in a seductive tone. My face flushed red as my hands moved down to the front of my pants in a desperate attempt to hide my problem. Miles shoved my hands away and started to touch me, earning pleasure-filled moans from my mouth. Why is he doing this? I told him that I didn't want to do it, but he's doing it anyway... I kept trying desperately to push him off of me, but it didn't work. I forced myself to use all my strength to push him.

After using all my strength, I finally was able to push him off of me. "Miles, what the fuck!? I told you that I didn't want to do this, but you're doing it anyway!"

"I'm sorry, Wright. I-I don't know what came over me. Can we cuddle and forget that it happened?" He looked away, tears pricking the corners of his eyes. He seemed to be genuinely sorry, so I decided to forgive him. "It's okay, Miles. Let's just cuddle and watch your favorite show." I said, sighing. Miles smiled happily and cuddled with me, grasping the remote and turning The Steel Samurai on. The whole time, my problem was becoming more uncomfortable, but I forced myself to deal with it. It'll be okay, Phoenix. Once he's ready for you to go home, you can relieve yourself. I made a soft whine as we continued to watch the show. However, it became so unbearable that I had to go to his bathroom. Once inside, I began to touch myself, moaning at the attention that I was giving to it. I didn't bother to be quiet, all I wanted was to feel this. The bathroom door abruptly opened, making me gasp. "Wright, are you oka-" Miles's eyes were wide and his mouth gaping open. I whimpered and whined, covering my face in shame at the inappropriate action that I was making a few seconds prior. "I'm sorry, Miles! It was feeling so uncomfortable, and I had to-"

"Wright. Don't explain yourself. Just let me help you." Before I could respond, Miles was on his knees on front of me. He lowered his head as he grasped my thighs, and my face went red, knowing what he was about to do.

982 words

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