Chapter Five - Drunken Love (Miles's P.O.V.)

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AN: this chapter was originally two parts, but since they both are short, I'll combine them into one chapter

Warning: implied sex, drinking

As we were cuddling in his bed, Phoenix and I heard a knock on his front door. He was about to get up and answer it when I abruptly grasped his arm tightly. "Miles, I can't go with you grabbing my arm like that," he said, turning his head to look at me. "I know that, smartass. I was going to do it for you," I snapped back as I rolled my eyes. "Damn, no need to be like that. Just go." I huffed at him as I pushed myself off the bed and made my way to the door. I was about to open the door when I realized that I didn't know who it was. "NIIIIIIIIIICK! Let me in pleaseeeee!" The person yelled as he banged on the door. As soon as I heard the person's voice, I knew who it was. It was my other childhood friend, Larry Butz. "Larry? What are you doing here?"

"Wait, Edgey? You're here?" He asked in shock. "Answer my question, Larry," I responded impatiently. "Sure thing, Edgey! But can you let me in first?" Right... I still haven't let him in... How rude of me... I thought as I opened the door, allowing him to walk inside. "All right," he said as he flopped down onto Phoenix's couch. "I'm here because I was gonna ask Nick if he wanted to go out for drinks with me." As soon as that last word exited his mouth, his eyes lit up, and he looked at me with that smile. Whenever he smiles at Phoenix and I after stating an idea of his, we know that he's going to try to rope us in with his plans. "Larry, no. I'm not going with you if he says yes."

"Awww c'mon man! It'll be like it used to! We never hangout anymore. It's always just me and Nick!" He looked at me with the biggest puppy eyes he could make. "Pleaseeeee, Edgey?" I closed my eyes and groaned. "I don't drink, Larry." Sure, it was just an excuse to get him to stop, but it was also true. Whenever I get drunk, I always act... Weird... With people, and it makes them uncomfortable. And as someone who strives to be a gentleman, that doesn't sit well with me, being so indecent and impolite. Before Larry could protest, we heard footsteps edging closer to the room we were in. A few moments later, Phoenix walked into the room, looking at Larry in shock, not expecting him to be there. "Larry? What are you doing here?"

"Oh yeah! I was gonna ask if you wanted to go drinking with me!" Larry said enthusiastically. "Sure, Larry! I'm always happy to hangout with you. Is Edgeworth coming as well?" Larry frowned. "No, Edgey's not. He doesn't wanna hangout with us." Phoenix looked at me dejectedly. "Please, Edgeworth? It'll be more fun with you." I looked at the floor, not wanting to see the sadness enveloping his eyes, and groaned. "Fine. I'll go. But only because you idiots would have probably convinced me sooner or later." Larry and Phoenix looked at me with sad expressions, upset at my reason for agreeing but happy that I at least said yes. "Hey, Larry. When are we gonna leave?"

"Oh yeah. I was thinking sometime in the evening." Larry responded. Phoenix smiled at him and giggled. "Hope that's when you know who's schedule is free." I scoffed at his stupid joke. "Ha ha, very funny, Wright."

"But it's true, is it not?" I sighed and grabbed my phone, turning it on and looking through it. It's true, I am a busy man, being the chief prosecutor now... For the remaining time waiting for it to become time to head to the bar, it was so silent that you could hear a pin drop. I was becoming more and more anxious as the time neared evening. The whole time I was nervously checking the time on my phone every few minutes, until I eventually forgot to do so. Then, Larry's sharp voice broke the fragile silence enveloping the room. "It's time! You guys ready to go?" Once he said that, I panicked and looked at the time. "... Nine in the evening..." I unknowingly mumbled aloud. "Yep! C'mon, guys, let's go!" Larry yelled excitedly as he bolted out the door. Phoenix gave me a sympathetic look, walking over to me and patting my shoulder. "You sure you want to go, Miles? You seem nervous." I shook my head and pushed myself off the couch. "I'm sure, Wright. Now, let's get going before Larry comes and whines about how slow we are," I responded as I began walking out the door, Phoenix tagging along closely behind me. We both quickened our speed when we saw Larry waiting for us, tapping his foot impatiently.

The three of us approached the bar in only a few minutes since we were walking so fast. I was a nervous wreck. My face and hands were sweating bullets, and my legs were slightly shaking. Phoenix and Larry noticed my distress, but who wouldn't, given that I was sweating in the middle of fall. "What's wrong, Edgeworth?" Phoenix asked. I shook my head frantically. "It... It's n-nothing, Wright. I'm fine. L-Let's just go in..." He gave me a skeptic look before sighing and walking in. I walked in a few seconds later and slowly shuffled my way to where they were sitting. "Edgey, calm down. It's just drinks." Larry said as I sat down beside Phoenix. A lady came over and asked us what we'd like. The other two answered fairly quickly while I had to think for a bit. The lady smiled at me and handed a paper that listed all the drinks that were served here. I grabbed it, mumbling a thank you, and scanned through it. "So, what would you like, sir?" She asked with a hint of lust in her voice, adding in a wink to try to seduce me. "... Damn, desperate much...?" I mumbled softly, trying not to let the woman hear me. But Phoenix and Larry must have, because I noticed that they were trying to hold in their laughter. I finally decided to just get the red wine, and that made her go away, but not before she touched my shoulder gently and winked. When she left, Phoenix and Larry let out their contained laughter, finding humor in her desperacy. I rubbed the spot where she touched me and growled. "Ugh... I hate people like that so much..."

"She was definitely trying to get you, dude," Larry responded through his laughter. Phoenix giggled. "I wonder what her reaction would be if we told her that Edgeworth was gay." I chuckled at that, but I was also nervous. It hadn't been long since I came out to them both, but they accepted me for it. Though I was still nervous, I have been more comfortable telling people about my sexuality. But suddenly a different idea came to me. "Hmph. I have a better idea. We could pretend that we're dating, Wright." Phoenix blushed and looked away. "O-Oh, u-uhm... S-Sure," he muttered. "If you aren't comfortable with it, you don't have to do it." Before he could respond, the lady came back. "Here you are, you two," she said as she handed the drinks to Phoenix and Larry. Then, she looked at me and winked for the third time. "And here you are, cutie." Phoenix looked at her, his expression revealing that he was pissed beyond belief. He suddenly grabbed me and, without warning, kissed me. My eyes widened, and I felt a warmth enter my cheeks. I unconsciously kissed him back, enjoying the feeling of his lips on mine.

We parted after a few moments, panting softly. We looked at her expression, seeing disgust all over her face. She put the wine bottle on the table and stormed off. "She deserves it, for being so touchy with Edgeworth," Phoenix growled. "Wright, stop acting so possessive of me. I'm not an object that you own. Let's just drink our drinks and forget that happened." He looked at me and then grabbed his drink and took a sip. Larry did the same, but I hesitated for a moment. "Go on, Edgey. You were just telling us to." I grabbed the bottle and took a long sip. Soon, I was downing the whole bottle. I realized what I had just done to myself, and mentally facepalmed. Damnit, Miles! Now look what you did! You're going to act like a weirdo, all because you couldn't monitor how much you drank! I was already getting tipsy as we continued drinking. Pretty soon I was drunk enough to not know what the hell was going on most of the time, becoming aware of my actions periodically.

First, I was in the bar with Phoenix and Larry, drinking my consciousness away. Then, I was in a car, accompanied by an equally drunk man. Suddenly, I skipped to being inside a house, the man pinning me to the front door and making out with me, stripping me of my clothes and vice versa. Then, we were in bed, doing, let's say... Unholy things. It went for some amount of time, but it doesn't really matter how long because I passed out.

The following morning, I was awakened by the bed moving slightly by someone. I sat up, head pounding. My hand immediately shot to my head, uselessly pressing harder in a desperate attempt to soothe the pain. I turned my head to the right to see the person that I was doing those things with last night. The person I saw made my eyes widen and a gasp escape my mouth. "M-Miles? I-I did that... W-With you?"

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