chapter 3

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People scrambled out of their way like rats; well, the Fire Lord's way, at least. Katara walked next to him and a few paces behind. She watched how he walked, his posture straight, his feet sure; he was confident in every step, his head held high.

No wonder they got out of his way. He completely commanded the atmosphere around him, as if it were ablaze.

The sun had completely slipped beneath the horizon, but the sky wasn't black yet, she noticed, as they travelled through a breezeway, back to the family wing of the palace; it was a pale navy, and white stars were scattered haphazardly. The view from the palace was amazing.

Nali was playing on the floor, surrounded by various dolls and blocks and playthings. The nurse, Fahraz, sat in the corner, obviously drifting in and out of sleep.

For a moment, Katara's heart caught in her throat. Growing up, at least she had had her brother, and her grandmother and father, and there had always been other children in the village. Here was Nali, though, all alone; no family, no playmates. She was surrounded completely by the wealth of the Fire Nation, but she was still completely alone.

Katara's eyes stung.

Nali looked up, her babyish face filling with joy, revealing her tiny white teeth. She jumped up, struggling not to trip over her long dress, and hurled herself at Zuko. Her long curls bounced behind her as he smiled and lifted her into his arms.

She then observed the joy on the Fire Lord's face, and again felt her heart catch.

"I heard you had a good day today," he told the child in his arms.

She nodded, eyes wide.

His brow shot up. "No words for me? You'll speak to Miss Katara but not to me?"

Her smile grew wider as she shook her head impishly.

Zuko sighed. "Oh, well, I guess you don't want that surprise after all-"

"I behaved!" she whined hurriedly.

He smiled and put her back on the ground. "Good."

She was silent again but looked up at him, admiration apparent in her eyes.

He looked at Katara, and she tried to mask her own admiration. "Ready?" he asked.

She nodded.

Katara followed Zuko down a rocky slope behind the palace. Guards marched a few paces behind, but maintained their distance. He had led the way, Nali at his heels, until the child had tripped; she now clung to his back.

She was torn. For so long, she'd had this picture of him as that angry young prince, spoiled and mean to the core. Then-she laughed, remembering-he had joined "Team Avatar" and become a little less angry, a little less spoiled, if he still harbored some resentment. Training together, living together, fighting together, they had become friends. She remembered watching him confront his family, his father and sister, and how it could have easily destroyed him, would have destroyed "better" men, but he hadn't let it destroy him. He'd risen to become a great ruler, outshining the rules of many Fire Lords of the past, namely that of his father and grandfather.

Then she'd had a different picture: stiff, fearless ruler. Even during her brief sojourn in the Fire Nation a few years back, when she had worked with him and spent a great deal of time with him, he had always carried this air, this burden, this mask that kept him separate, detached. Whatever it was that he carried, it was something he wouldn't share and wouldn't open up about. She had thought that was going to be the end of the story. He was going to do his job, rule well, but be that distant monarch that had to maintain his image above all else, which meant keeping his affection for women and children at a minimum. She had though that was the reason Mai had chosen to leave, although she lacked those details, as well. Somehow they had always avoided discussing her...and Aang.

- 𝑭𝑰𝑵𝑨𝑳𝑳𝒀 𝑻𝑶𝑮𝑬𝑻𝑯𝑬𝑹 ⊰Where stories live. Discover now