chapter 15

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Zuko stirred as the sun ascended the horizon. The room was bathed in pale light, streaming subtly through the shutters, and it highlighted the treasure slumbering in his arms. Katara was spooned against him. Her long hair was tousled and spread wispily on the pillow beneath her, a lock or two curling around his neck. One of his arms supported her head while the other draped itself across her waist. Their fingers were intertwined.

He watched her for a minute, watched the early morning light play on the delicate, defined features of her cheek and nose and jaw. Her dark lashes fanned out beautifully from her eyelids, sealed in sleep. Her ribcage rose and fell steadily with each breath she took.

She was beautiful—and she was in his arms.

Reluctantly, he leaned over to press a kiss behind her ear. She stirred and groaned sleepily but did not wake. He withdrew his arms carefully and resettled her in the bed, bringing the sheets up to her chin.

In the semidarkness, he dressed, watching her as he did so.

He slipped from his room quietly. Already, the halls were bustling with life as servants scurried about. He spotted Nali and her nurse reaching for Katara's door and immediately intercepted them. The child giggled as he swept her up into his arms.

"Let's let Miss Katara sleep," he suggested casually. "Why don't we meet Uncle for breakfast?"

"You?" she asked, her arms around his neck.

He pretended to consider her, eyes narrowed, before smiling. "If you insist."

"You seem to be in a rather…pleasant mood this morning, Nephew," Iroh greeted, his tone noticeably suspicious as he and Nali entered the dining hall.

"Good morning to you, too, Uncle." He walked around the dining table and placed Nali in her seat. He served her and handed her a roll to gnaw on while he cut meat and fruit into pieces small enough for her to be able to feed herself.

"Not that it's a bad thing, it's just…Where's Miss Katara?"

"Sleeping, I believe. Let her sleep; we've a long journey ahead of us," he said as he pat the child's head affectionately. He then grabbed a bun and a mango from platters on the table for himself.

"No tea?" he asked, his voice grave.

"No, not this morning. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some matters of state to attend to."

Iroh watched his nephew vacate the room, a grim expression on his face. He was no fool; Zuko should know better. He could only pray hearts were not about to get broken.

He felt a tug on his sleeve. Nali looked up at him with wide, expectant eyes.

And—then—he knew it was too late. No heart in this family would remain unbroken once this child left.

Toph shuffled into the room sleepily and plopped down at the table.

"Good morning, Miss Bei Fong," Iroh greeted.

She grumbled in response and slapped her head down on her place setting, causing the silverware to clatter.

"Toph?" Nali asked, patting the back of the petite woman's head.

- 𝑭𝑰𝑵𝑨𝑳𝑳𝒀 𝑻𝑶𝑮𝑬𝑻𝑯𝑬𝑹 ⊰Where stories live. Discover now