chapter 12

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"Good morning, Nephew," Iroh greeted as Zuko entered the throne room. "I trust you slept well."

He looked at his uncle, who wore a knowing look. "I did, thank you," he answered terser than he'd intended.

Iroh studied him for a moment in silence before finally saying, "The report on the envoy is in."

Zuko took the proffered scroll. "Thank you."

"You...handpicked your crew?"

"Of course. It's not just me. It's Katara and Nali, as well."

"I've been meaning to speak to you about that. Are you sure it is wise—for you and Katara—to sail off on your own...unsupervised?"

He entered his study, his uncle behind him, and sat behind the desk, unfurling the scroll in his hands. He answered absentmindedly: "We'll hardly be unsupervised. There will be a ship-full of others. There's nothing for you to be concerned about."

"I was afraid you'd say that."

Zuko looked up at his uncle sharply. "What do you mean?"

"I am in no way trying to discourage you from...whatever path you and Katara are on at the moment, but I do ask that you tread lightly."

He narrowed his eyes. "Come out with it, Uncle."

Iroh pursed his lips and stroked his grey beard before speaking. "You love her."

Zuko blanched and stared at his uncle. "W-what!"

"You heard me."

He stood too abruptly, knocking back his chair. "Don't be absurd, Uncle! You're growing senile—"

"Do not disrespect me so in your anger, my son. I am not as old or blind as you'd like to believe."

"I didn't mean it, Uncle," he said sincerely, rubbing his temple in tired frustration. "I'm sorry."

"I understand, but you must understand where I'm coming from. You cannot deny that you do not have feeling for Katara. Your own heart is not even that blind."

Zuko snorted and clenched his jaw, avoiding his uncle's eyes.

"Oh, come now, boy. I am not faulting you, neither am I condemning you. On the contrary, I have been watching for this for...many years."

"Like I said, there is nothing for you to be concerned about."

A servant interrupted them, carrying in a tea set on a tray quietly. Zuko was secretly grateful for the distraction. When the door was once again closed, Iroh attempted to continue, "I know you, Nephew. You are an honorable man, and you have it set to do what is best for the child. But you are still only a man. This is a large, serious game, with many players involved, and I'd hate to see you, or any others, get hurt."

Zuko smirked at the underscore of irony. "We've decided we're not playing games, Uncle."


"Neither Katara nor I have approached this...relationship without careful consideration. We are not foolish enough to harbor feelings for each other without seriously analyzing—"

- 𝑭𝑰𝑵𝑨𝑳𝑳𝒀 𝑻𝑶𝑮𝑬𝑻𝑯𝑬𝑹 ⊰Where stories live. Discover now