Thomas Anderson

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Next thing I knew, it was two days later, a Saturday, and we were heading to an office in the city to pick up our next target. I stepped out of the car with the rest of them, and stepped into the spinny door that was the front entrance.

I followed Agent Smith, our leader, Agents Brown and Jones were on either side of me, who was the shortest of our bunch. We all wore the sunglasses, and the downward frown that I'd had some trouble with learning, but I got it mastered and wore it with stubborn pride.

We all got into an elevator and rode up to the 23rd floor. Our journey was silent. Then, we stepped outside. Smith took a long breath. "He's here." He said. He pointed Jones and Brown one way, and had me follow him. We split up, looking up and down the cubicle, looking for someone who matched our target. We met up with Jones and Brown at one with a name.

Thomas Anderson

It was empty. It was obvious work had been done in the cubical recently, but had been stopped maybe when he stopped or heard us. Smith had pointed Jones and Brown to go to the other office at the end of the hall, me and Smith went to the closest.

We walked inside, and Thomas looked troubled. He was looking back and forth, between the window, and us. He bolted for the window, but I was faster and snagged his leg. "Let go of me-"

I pulled him over, Smith cuffed his hands and we marched out with our prize.

Smith was the interrogator, I was his protector, just in case Neo got past Jones and Brown. Which didn't look possible.

I stood there at his aid until finally. Smith gave me an order. "Agent Gale. I seem to have forgotten part of Mr. Anderson's file on my desk, would you retrieve it?"

"Yes sir." I say, stepping out.

When I returned with the paper, Anderson was gone.

"Where did he go?" I asked.

"He told us all we needed to know." Smith said, taking the paper from me. "Thank you, Natasha." Smith said, placing a hand lightly on my shoulder. I nodded.

"So, who's our next target?" I asked. But before I got my answer, I was startled by a click. I spun, quickly looking in the direction of the noise. Hands grasped me, restraining me and putting a hand over my mouth.

I squealed quietly as I glanced at agent Brown holding, something in his hand. Smith turned to my ear as Brown stepped closer. "You, Ms. Gale, are our next target. And we're going to make sure that you don't get away like the rest of them." Smith said. Brown stepped up to me and him as I tensed up and leaned into Smith's grasp. I raised a leg with a threat to kick. "Don't worry, Ms Gale. This will only hurt for a second." Smith said, maneuvering himself to move the leg.

A scream erupted into the room as the searing pain burned into my collarbone.

I shook myself awake, grasping that button on my collarbone. I dug my fingernails deep into the skin. I yanked, and tore at it, to no avail. All I could do was gasp for air, but even that hurt as my chest rose and fell. I touched its rough surface. The skin all around turned red from my nails digging into it. A quiet sob escaped my throat. I glanced at the clock 3:30 in the morning. I looked around looking at my window with the curtains. There was a part of red and blue flashing lights outside the window. I stood throwing some clothes on. When I got them on, there were feet rushing up the stairs outside my apartment. I looked at the couch that i'd slept on, then the door.

Lights flipped on and I was met by the three Agents.

"It worked, sir."

"Wonderful invention...Agent Brown." Smith said, still looking at me.

"It seems it's been tampered with, but nothing that will cancel out the tracker."

"You have no remorse? Do you?" I spit, glaring at Smith.

"I wasn't programmed to feel emotion."

"Obviously." I hissed.

"You have two options, Ms. Gale. You can stay here, and pretend this never happened, or you can come with us."

"You know what I think."

"You want to kill me...I assure you, Natasha Gale, it's harder than you think."

"Get out of my house," I say. The agents turned on their heals. "And sleep with one eye open, Smith."

"If I were would know it, Natasha Gale." As he walked out the door, I grabbed the nearest thing and threw it at him as the door closed. I shattered a vase, but it felt really good.

"Asshole!" I added for good measure.

I didn't sleep that night. I spent it surfing the internet. Maybe i'd find something to do. As I was doing that, I came across some interesting coding I hadn't ever seen. With it came a black screen, and a small green blinking cursor.

Are you alive? |

I looked at it, blinking a couple times, it assured me I wasn't seeing things. Those words were on the screen.

Yes...who is this?? How did you get on my computer? I typed back.

No time to explain, they're coming back for you again. If you don't want to see them, come to the Adams Street Bridge right now. We'll figure this out then.

Ok...what's going on?

Again, no time to explain. You have about three minutes before they're headed into your apartment building.

I stood, shuffling out, grabbing a quick bag of things I might need.

((A/N I'm going to update this story everyday, at noon, so make sure you stay tuned!))

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