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I woke up to many faces, staring curiously.   

"What happened?" I asked.  

"You passed out." Neo said. 

"Neo, I swear it was him." I say.  "How did he get in though?"

"Morpheus told me to bring you to him.  When you were awake."

"Neo...Morpheus doesn't believe me."

"Natasha…Morpheus is frightened out of his mind." Neo said.  "He's afraid of what you saw. 

"He is?" I asked suddenly.  

"Yes.  He hasn't stopped pacing outside since you passed out."

I stood up and followed Neo out.  We got to the deck and there were about 6 voices arguing frantically.  Neo walked me over but not one of them stopped.  

"Hey!" I shouted over them.  "Stop arguing!  It's not helping anything!" 

"Morpheus...I know what I saw."

"Because you told him exactly where to go!" Cypher accused.  

"Me!?  You're blaming me for this?" Voices started yelling again.  

"Now, you can't blame her for that-"

"She was confused!" 

"That's a stretch, blaming her!"

I looked at Neo who looked defeated by the yelling. Defeated, I turned to walk back to my room.  Then, Mouse cornered me on my trip away.

"No, don't leave."  He said.  

"I should have just taken the blue pill." I say.  

"No!  You shouldn't have." He said.  "We like you here.  You and two are special." The arguing subsided and Morpheus spoke.  

"Natasha.  Come back here." He said.  I looked over my shoulder.  "Now.  That's an order."  His voice was stern, there was a sort of anger in it.  I turned, and took my place next to Neo.  

"Did you disobey an order?" He asked. 


"I told you not to worry about the agent situation." Morpheus said.  My eyes hit the floor.  "So I ask again.  Did you disobey an order?"

"Yes sir." I muttered with my head down.  


"Yes sir." I say, looking up.  

"Then I have no choice but to suspend your training, and your access to the Matrix until further notice."  I looked at Neo, who also looked disappointed, then to Tank, who looked guilty.  "You're dismissed, Natasha."

I sulked away, back to my room.  Mouse tried to come with me, but he stopped, and stayed with the rest of the group.  

I layed on my bed, tears welled in my eyes.  

I was just trying to help.  

I should have taken the blue one.

I should have just let those agents take me. 

After a little while, the door opened, and Neo came in.  "We're going into the Matrix.  But Tank and Dozer are here for if you need anything."

"Thanks." I say.  

"In my opinion, he's being kinda harsh.  Don't let it get to you.  You'll get your chance to make up for it."

Laying back down on the bed, I don't remember falling asleep.  I woke up again to chaos.  There was a loud firing sound.  I remember hurrying out the door, and sliding into the bridge, absolutely appalled by what I saw.  A burned up Tank at the operator desk, and a equally burnt Dozer.  

I raised my hands in surrender.  "Cypher…don't do this." I say.  He only glared.  

"Only if you admit it." He hissed.  "Admit you're a traitor."

"The only real traitor here is you." I hissed.  His trigger finger hung over the button.  I shook my head.  "I was an Agent.  But that's what caused my downfall...dragged me into this situation."

"You're starting to sound like Morpheus." He whispered.  

"Maybe I am." I say.  "You won't get away with this, Cypher."  I say.  I kept my hands raised.  

"Won't I?" He asked.  Suddenly, he dropped the gun, and with a swift punch to the back of the head, I'd been knocked unconscious.  

I woke up after about a minute.  I noticed Tank.  He was dragging himself over to the gun.  Cypher wad standing over Neo.  

Get the hell away from him.

The ringing subsided and I heard him speaking.  "I mean, if Neo's the one, there would have to be some kind of a miracle to stop me.  Right?  How can he be the one, if he's dead."  

"You never did tell me before, if you bought into all the crap.  Come on, all I want is a simple yes or no.  Look into his eyes, and tell me, yes or no?" He paused.  I stood up and his hand went on the plug.  

"No!" I cried, reaching out, but keeping from running into the line of fire.

"I don't believe it!" Cypher said.  

"Believe it or're still gonna burn." Tank said.  

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