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After a long time of explaining, reading, and programming, Neo and I joined the matrix for the first time.  

"Face me, bow.  Now face each other, bow." Morpheus instructed. We did as we were told.  We were in a sort of Dojo.  I looked at Neo who also looked at Morpheus, just as confused as me.  

"What?" Neo asked.  

"You know Kung Fu.  Fight."

"I'm not going to fight a girl." Neo said.  Looking at me with a mix of fear, and judgement of himself.  What a respectful young man.

"Why?" I asked.  "Afraid I'll beat you." I say, completely shattering his respect.  He looked at me with a smirk.  

We took our starting positions.  I chose one in a Hapkido style.  An open knife hand, low stance that would protect my head and my chest.  He picked a traditional boxing stance.  We circled one another for a while.  It was obvious I wasn't going to get him to strike first, so I started with a roundhouse kick aimed for his head.  He dodged underneath it.  I took another swing with my right hand, which was blocked by an outside block.   Then one with my other fist which was blocked without an issue.  "Come on Thomas.  Fight back!" I growled. 

I was taken aback when he took my challenge.  I caught a leg and held it between my arm and armpit.  Then the the other came at my head at lightspeed.  It smacked the side of my head.  I cartwheeled out but undermeasured my footing and ended up in a heap on the floor.  

"Come on Natasha.  Fight back!" Thomas quoted, taking my own words out of my mouth.  

"Point, Neo." Morpheus reported.

"That's not fair." I complained to Morpheus.  

"In the Matrix, there is no 'fair'."

"I'll show you no fair." I hissed, standing again and taking a new tighter stance.  Thomas came at me, two sudden consecutive kicks, his foot didn't touch the floor between his backwards roundhouse and powerful side kick.  The side kick sent me flying backwards.  Touched my lip which now bleed.  

"OH- you're in for it." I spit.  He came again, and my first move was a powerful crane kick that sent him backwards into the floor.  I backflipped out of it and landed in a low stance, one leg out, one hand balanced on the floor and the other up.  

"Holy- that was awesome." Thomas grunted as he sat up.  

"Point, Natasha."

"Best out of three." I challenged Neo.

"You're on!" He said.  Neo and I glared, taking our starting stances.  The first to make a move was me. I took a flying kick that Neo X-blocked.  He was knocked over, and I sent a kick to his ribs that he just barely blocked.  

"No point, continue." Morpheus ordered.  

I took one final strike at Neo.  He got the final hit.

"Good, Neo." Morpheus praised.  Neo reached his hand down, and helped me up. 

"Good match, Nat.  You really had me on my toes."

"I'll get you next time Neo.  You just wait."

As we all got unplugged, Trinity waited patiently.  I woke up, but nobody took out my pin.  

"Is it my turn?" Trinity asked enthusiastically.  

Morpheus nodded, and Trinity jumped down the step, laying on the worn down chair next to me.  Dozer plugged her in, and we entered again.  

We were in a new room.  It had runway mats, vaults, and a large springboard mat.  "Gymnastics?" I asked.  "I've never been the most graceful on my feet…" 

"Well, now you will be.  With me teaching you.  Don't worry.  Catching on will be a piece of cake.  All you have to do is think.  'I'm in control.  Gravity can't defy me.'  Got it?" 

"I'm in control." I repeated.  "I'm in control."

"Okay, you got it?" She asked.  I nodded.  "Let's try." 

In unison, we took off running.  Cartwheel, back-handspring, back-handspring- by the time I was done with the third I was exhausted.  I huffed.  "You make it look easy." I said.  

"Let's try again." Trinity said.  

By the third run, I'd gotten to the twist.  Flying through the air, I imagined my opponent.  I kicked right to the head, and landed in my signature low stance.  

Then there was clapping from the other end of the room.  It startled both me and Trinity.  We looked.  "Where is that coming from?" Trinity asked.  I stared at the door.  

"Bravo Ms Gale...Bravo." He said, disappearing.  

I woke up again in the chair.  "Get this out.  GET IT OUT-" I yelled.  "How- how did he- HOW!" I cried.  


"Morpheus!  He was there.  He was right there!" 

"I didn't see anybody." Trinity said.  

"SMITH!" I yelled.  "He was right there!" I cried.  "He-he was there.  Right at the door!"

"Natasha...that was a training program.  There's no way he could have been in there."

"I know , just- please, you have to believe me!  He was there!"   

"I do believe you, Natasha, but there's no way?"

"I saw him Morpheus!"  I said, shaking his arms.  Morpheus only looked startled.  "I saw him!" I said.  Curling in a ball on the floor.  Repeating the same words.


I as a martial artist found this really fun to write!  I'm an orange belt now. I think the last time I mentioned Martial Arts, I was just a wee baby white belt. I learned writing fight scenes is SO MUCH FUN.  I hope you enjoyed this chapter.))

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