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'Crap, I'm going to lose at this rate,' Haruhi thought as she made yet another defensive move.

Haruhi was playing a vid' game against Chris-imouto. The game 'Invasion' had been a gift from Miss Harrison the month before and the two of them had been playing it whenever they got free time. Every once in a while, one of the other siblings would join in, but Amelia-neechan was always busy with her college classes. Meanwhile, John-nii was constantly having marriage interviews.

Thus, only the two womb-mates played on a daily basis. After all, most of the other Sisters had already been Married off. Ana-onee, who was the heir of the House Washington was still around, of course. However, between her business obligations and the running of the House their eldest sister had almost zero free time.

Just then Haruhi heard Chris-imouto let out a triumphant "Yes!" which drew her back to the game. Christiana had managed to use her anti-aircraft guns to wipe out all the escorts for one of Haruhi's heavy bombers. In response, all Haruhi could do was to zig-zag while trying to meet up with another heavy bomber group or risk losing the bomber too early in the game for any possible comeback.

'I need to keep my mind on the game or I won't even have enough firepower to bring the game to a tie,' Haruhi thought as she made another defensive move.

The game sounded simple enough. There was an invasion taking place here on Cooper's World. In the game, there were three levels of the battle: the space layer, the atmosphere layer, and the ground assault layer. Haruhi was in charge of the space layer while Chris-imouto was in charge of the ground. Their handhelds played the atmospheric layer, which meant that both sisters used it as target practice.

They could produce some aircraft both in space and on the ground. The only thing is that there were finite resources, so the players need to use them wisely.

Just then, with a tap of the game controller, Haruhi dropped an EKV on one of Chris-imoutos factories. 'I know it's early for this to happen, but it should distract her long enough for me to do this...' Haruhi thought as she made a bombardment of small EKV's all over Chris-imouto's anti spacecraft guns.

"Why did you do that? The small exoatmospheric kill vehicles can only take out tanks. They can't do major damage to the anti-spacecraft guns," Chris-imouto asked.

"Check your repair times versus building one from scratch," Haruhi noted as she quickly nudged some of the orbits of her EKVs to put them into better trajectories for a counterattack.

"We shall see who comes out on top!" Chis-imouto said only to be interrupted before she could finish her thought.

"Excuse me, Miss Christiana and Miss Haruhi, but you have a guest," came the voice of their head of security from just inside the room. Jessica had been with the family for as long as Haruhi could remember. Her strong but fair attitude helped to guide the two, especially as they did more and more training in self-defense and law enforcement.

"Who is it?" Chris-imouto asked, never taking her eyes from the portable she held.

"It is Miss Harrison," Jessica answered.

Upon hearing this, both girls forgot all about their game and scrambled out the door to meet their friend.


Unlike any of their other guests, including close family members, Miss Harrison could visit the inner portion of the complex. Security would not stop her in the outer portion of the dwelling.

Upon reaching their favorite sitting room, Chris-imouto and Haruhi rushed inside and hugged their close friend.

The woman in question, Miss Harrison, looked so much like the blonde-haired, blue-eyed Chris-imouto for the two to be geneSisters. Meanwhile, Haruhi had long, jet-black hair and brown eyes because of her Asian genes. Still, the difference in gene sets did not bother the womb-mate in the slightest. The three were as close as Sisters.

"I missed you," Chris-imouto said while still hugging the other two.

"I missed you too," Haruhi exclaimed, not to be outdone by her Sister.

"It's only been a week since I last visited Simmons Town," Miss Harrison groused, although her genuine emotions could be seen in the beaming expression on her own face.

After finally ending the three-way hug, Miss Harrison perched herself on one of the love seats and the other two took their normal seats across from her. In between them, on a marble coffee table, sat a silver tea set.

As always, Haruhi poured everyone a cup of tea. She also distributed the biscuits as well. It was only when this formality was completed that the girls began talking.

"So what brought you to Simon's Town?" Haruhi asked.

"Mostly business with a side of pleasure,"

"Do you mind if we ask what business and pleasure you are referring to?" Chris-imouto pressed.

"Well, the pleasure is mainly seeing you two," Miss Harrison explained. "The rest is mainly work. However, I do have to speak with both of you about the SWAT training. Namely, that puffed up Mrs. Jensen and Mrs. King have blocked your graduation because the last exercise was meant to be a group project, not an individual one."

"Somehow this doesn't surprise me," Chris-imouto said with a grimace. "They weren't happy with the way you cut them off at the end of the meeting."

"No, they weren't, but they should understand that your abilities as gee-emms are classified and are not meant to be released to minor officials like themselves," Miss Harrison pointed out.

"So what do we have to do to fix this? I am sure that you have developed a plan for this eventuality," Chris-imouto asked Miss Harrison.

"I discussed the matter at length with Mrs. Jensen and Mrs. King. The answer we came up with was to run another three-person exercise with just the two of you," Miss Harrison replied.

'That might be interesting,' Haruhi thought as she nibbled on a biscuit.

"When is this exercise scheduled for?" Chris-imouto asked.

"The beginning of next month," Miss Harrison explained. "That will give the two of you plenty of time to graduate from the police academy and become familiarized with the mission."

"It should be easy with the two of us working together," Haruhi said with a smile. "I can't think of two people who are more in sync, can either of you?"


"No, I can't either," Miss Harrison admitted. "So now that this little bit of work has ended, let's catch up for a while." 

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