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On the floor of the chamber of the House, directly behind the rostrum, stood a four emm tall oil painting. It stood from the floor to the bottom of the domed ceiling. They based this painting on a digital photograph called "The Discovery of Cooper's World." The oil painting consisted of the three officers in charge of the initial journey to the a-cent-b system with the globe of the planet on the viewer behind them.

Due to the sheer size of the painting, it immediately drew the eye as soon as a person entered the chambers, and it represented a major compromise between the Federalist party and the Second Wave party. It was only by going back to the very discovery of the planet that both parties could agree upon an image.

'It is such a shame,' Christy thought as she sat upon one of the high-quality oak and synthetic leather seats on the balcony waiting for everyone to arrive.

'Leave it to a Junior Senator to be late to a meeting with the President,' Christy thought. 'I wonder if she would hurry if she knew just who she was going to meet this Alterday.'

Just then, her com beeped, showing that the others were headed to the chambers.

"Places, everyone," the person at the front of the room announced.

With that, the four people in question made their way to their proper positions throughout the chamber.

Moments later, the hardwood doors of the chamber opened and then closed with a clicking sound, showing that the doors were locked.

"Why did the locks engage?" President Windsor asked, only to be shushed by both the Senate Minority Leader Willis and the Senate Majority leader Kyoto.

"I would like to know that as well," piped up Senator Thomas.

"You will learn the meaning of all of this in just a few moments," Senator Willis assured her companions.

After reaching the first row of seats, she stopped facing the rostrum. "As you have asked I have brought two of our colleges to receive your revelations."

"Revelations? What poppycock is this?" began President Windsor began only to be cut off by Senator Kyoto.

"For once in your life shut up and listen! You are messing with fire!"

A figure walked up to the rostrum. She was dressed in a dark gray cloak and a deep hood. "If I could draw your attention up here for a few moments, I will answer all of your questions. Please look at the painting behind me. I mean really look. Done? Good." she finished.

Then the figure dropped her cloak and put on the officer's cap. She was identical to the woman in the painting down to the last button. "I hope that this revelation suffices to convince you as to whom I am." The female in front of them declared.

"What in blazes..." the President began, only to be shushed by her companions.

"Cooper?" Senator Thomas responded her jaw all but hitting the floor. "Wait, not only Cooper but the first Cooper, the one who the planet was named after?"

"This is preposterous! Do you expect us to believe that this is the same woman who discovered this planet two hundred seventy-five years ago?" President Windsor protested, her face becoming red with anger.

"Actually, it was two hundred and eighty Terran years ago. Incidentally, the 'Coopers' and other officers who commanded the voyages to and from Earth were all Duflot, Simmons, and myself. Didn't you think it was odd that there were no other photos of the mission commanders that survived? We still have those pictures hidden away on Hope and Destiny."

"How?" Senator Thomas asked.

"That is a secret for now," Cooper replied with a knowing smile.

"I don't believe any of this..." the President began.

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