Chapter 10: Storm of Sadness

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It was storming the night it happened. The sound of rain pattering on the roof mixed with thunder filled the air. Lightning would flash, lighting the scene before us which we arrived home to.

Couple days ago

"So he failed the" I asked Kakashi.

"He decided to put his comrades lives before the mission," he explained as he stared out at the green field. "Now all I hear in town is them talking bad about him just because he valued some shinobi lives over the mission."

"How important was the mission that he is being ridiculed like this?" I questioned him.

"Because he failed and pulled out, Konoha suffered a major set back," Kakashi murmured. "Even his comrades have shamed him."

"He saved their lives! What's wrong with them!" I argued angrily.

"Kira. There's nothing we can do," he responded. "In the shinobi rules you should always put the mission first."

"But.....I don't understand..." I murmured.

"You don't have to. It's just how it is," Kakashi spoke and began to leave.

"How even is he taking all of this?" I asked which caused him to stop moving.

He turned to look at me and then faced away.

"Not good."

He then began to walk again, leaving me to stare after him.

Few minutes before

"Kakashi! It looks like it's about to rain!" I called as I stood beside the river, staring up at the sky.

"More like storm," Kakashi responded with a sigh, closing his book and standing from his spot under a tree.

I sighed. "And I was gonna train some more..."

"You're not in the academy yet, give yourself time to relax," he stated and began to walk off. "Father will be worried if aren't back soon anyway."

I nodded and raced off after him, heading home. It began pouring and so we broke into a sprint. We ran into the house and I let out a sigh of relief as we escaped the outside storm.

"We're home!" I called out as we began to take off our sandals.

No response was given and we were met with silence. All that we heard was rain pitter pattering outside. We walked into the house and soon was brought to the scene that lays before us now.

"Father!" I called out as I saw Sakumo's body lying on the floor.

It was unmoving and still, no signs of breathing at all. Kakashi just stood there frozen and I ran over, moving Sakumo to where he was lying on his back. His face seemed peaceful but also conflicted. I lightly pressed my hand to his cheek and felt coldness. Tears began to fill my eyes and I rested my head against his chest, no sign of heartbeat was found.

"Nooooooo!" I cried out.

Kakashi sat on the other side of Sakumo's body and looked at me in sadness as his own eyes filled with tears. He held onto his father's hand and only stared as his tears dripped to the floor.

No funeral was really held. He was buried amongst several others who had fallen in the war or the past. A few others had stood with us as we stared at his grave. They left as time passed and it just was the two of us.

"Kira. Let's go home," Kakashi spoke softly and grabbed onto my hand.

I looked up at him with sorrow in my lime green eyes. How can I go back home if I know Sakumo won't be there? The shinobi who saved me and took me in as his own daughter. My heart felt jabs of pain every time I thought about him.

Soon I felt the pull of my arm as Kakashi began to lead me back home. I let him and just stayed quiet. I heard the slide of the door and knew we were home. He helped me inside and I finally looked up. He let go of my hand and stared at me before going to his room.

I stood for a few minutes and then began to walk to my room. I felt cold and hopeless. Someone I cared about took their own life, leaving us. I thought it wasn't fair. I thought I could make him feel better and forget about what others said.

"Father. You're the best," I told him as we walked through the forest, hand in hand.

"Oh. Why is that?" Sakumo asked in amusement.

"Because you're an amazing shinobi who cares for others," I told him with a bright smile. "You took me in, even though I'm not from here and have looked after me ever since you saved me."

"You're very kind Kira," Sakumo spoke as we arrived at a river.

I looked at the flowing water and smiled, listening to the peaceful noises of nature and water. Sakumo kneeled down beside me and then kissed my forehead. I looked at him in surprise and he just smiled at me.

"Kira. Like this water, you have a path that you're flowing down. There will be rocks and limbs that will get in your way, but you have to keep going," Sakumo said softly as he brushed a hand through my brown hair. "There will be times where you feel hopeless, but know there is always hope. Look to your loved ones and friends. They care and they will give you hope."

Tears filled my eyes once again when I sat down on my bed. Father, what hope is there? I don't even know how Kakashi is taking this. He's good at hiding his feelings.

I wiped away my tears and laid my head down as I let the void swallow me whole.

I woke up feeling like a corpse myself. I sat up and ran a hand through my hair which had gotten a little longer over time. I got out of bed and dressed myself before walking to the door.

"I'll be back later," I called out.

Who was it to though? Kakashi or to someone I wish was still there?

I walked silently. The peacefulness of Konoha didn't help with my somber mood as I walked to the cemetery. I walked amongst the many gravestones and stopped when I came upon the newest one. I sat down in front of it and stared, letting out a sad sigh.

"Father....I don't want anyone else to suffer....I want to be able to help people," I spoke softly. "I'll become a fine shinobi and even learn to heal others! I promise! I'll do whatever it takes!"

I'm not crying. Itz fine 🥺

Anyway, sad chapter. Hhhhhhhh

Hope you're enjoying the story and I'll be publishing more chapters in a day or so!! Bye for now!!!

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