Chapter 36: Jealousy

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"Why are we walking?" Gai questioned as we began down the path towards the village. "Shouldn't we be jumping into action and running to the scene of the crime!"

I shook my head and chuckled.

"No. It's only a day and a half walk and if we ran we would exert unnecessary energy," I commented. "It's an investigation and recovery mission, so we don't need to rush it too much."

"Once we finish investigating that's when we'll come back," Nari added on.

Gai sighed, clearly unsatisfied with the fact he wouldn't be able to race around showing off his youthful greatness, but understood the reasoning for my decision.

"How have things been going with your medical jutsu?" Nari asked as he walked beside me, Gai following behind.

"Really well. Creating my water healing technique is really helpful for growing herbs and such. I'm still trying to find more uses for humans since it doesn't have too much affect," I commented. "Lady Tsunade says I'm a great prodigy. She's thinking about training me personally once the war is over."

"Wow. That's really amazing Kira," Nari murmured with a small smile. "You've really gotten stronger."

"It's mostly just medical jutsu though," I responded, trying to brush it off.

"Yes but to be good in that you need excellent chakra control which you have, making you strong," Nari pointed out. "I think Emiyo Sensei would be proud."

I brightly smiled at him and nodded. "Thank you. How has the Hyuga household been treating you?"

"Fair as usual. I've learned a few more things and have strengthened my Byakugan's abilities," he replied. "I assume once I become jonin in the future they'll have me serving the main family."

"Aw, but you're only thirteen so you've got a ways to go before you become a jonin. Which means you're stuck going on missions with me for awhile," I said with a chuckle.

"I don't mind that," he replied softly which caused me to blush a bit.

"I agree. Missions with Kira are the best," Gai commented as he decided to join our chat, standing on the other side of me.

Nari huffed and turned his head away when Gai joined us. I was still a bit flustered from the compliment and began to try to change the subject.

"Gai. How is your training going?" I asked curiously.

"Great! I've begun to get the hang of opening more the inner chakra gates," he said completely pumped up. "Other than that, I've become stronger than ever and keep challenging myself."

I giggled in amusement as he spoke so passionately.

"Gai. I have a challenge for you," I told him and his eyes lit up. "I want you to run ahead and find the most perfect camp spot for the night. After you do that, I demand you do 2000 push ups."

"Yes Ma'am! I will not fail!" He yelled and then took off down the road.

Nari let out a huff as he watched the dust clouds behind Gai slowly disappear as he raced farther ahead. He then turned to me, halting our walk.

"Why do you egg him on?" Nari questioned.

"What's wrong with that?" I retorted in response.

"He's completely ridiculous and odd," Nari stated.

I narrowed my eyes and then pointed my finger at him in an accusatory motion.

"Gai is just positive all the time because he is grateful for the chance he has been given to become a strong shinobi. He works harder than anyone to get stronger since he isn't gifted like many," I told him. "He's my friends and through all of my highs and lows he has been there for me. My father's death, Emiyo Sensei disappearance, Daiki's death, Kakashi shutting me out for awhile. He helps cheer me up and he makes Kakashi a better person too."

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