Chapter 86: Shinobi Headband

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"Did you really have to paint stuff all over the Hokage stone faces yesterday?" I scolded as Naruto got ready to leave for the academy.

"I don't care. I'm going to surpass them someday," Naruto grumbled and I huffed.

"Are you not gonna wear your goggles?" I questioned.

"No. I'm going to pass the exam for sure and get one of those headbands," he replied confidently.

I smiled at how confident he was and nodded.

"I'll meet you there. You've got this," I told him before he left.

I spent time cleaning up around the apartment and Daiko watched me from the couch. I lightly pet his head and he sighed in content.

"Retirement treating you well huh old man," I teased and Daiko grumbled a bit, which cause me to chuckle. "I'm messing with you."

Gai was out on a mission currently with his team. I wasn't sure how long he'd be gone, but I'll be happy once he returns. I guess this is how Kushina felt whenever Minato went on missions or would be doing Hokage duties all day. I always had a bit of worry, but I trusted the team to watch after each other.

After that I headed to the academy where there seemed to be a crowd of people. However, I noticed a small figure on the swing not too far away.

"Naruto...." I murmured worriedly and walked over.

Once I was able to see his face, he seemed defeated and sad. I could only assume the worst.....

"Are you alright?" I asked as I kneeled in front of him.

"No. Iruka Sensei is too harsh and he failed me. I couldn't make one good clone," Naruto spat clearly annoyed.

I sighed.

"It'll be alright Naruto. You can always take the class again," I suggested and he turned his head away.

"I don't want to talk to you," he grumbled.

"And why not?" I questioned, standing up and putting my hands on my hips.

"Maybe if you weren't spending so much time with scary eyebrows you could've helped me train," he stated.

"You never asked for my help," I retorted. "Don't put the blame on us. We make sure you're taken care of and fed. Gai most of all!"

"But you're not my parents," he responded and then raced off.

"Naruto!" I called but sighed in defeat once he had disappeared. "He....just needs time to cool off."

After wandering around the village and picking up some groceries, I went home. It was getting late and Naruto hadn't returned. I was beginning to worry more. This wasn't like him. Even if he was upset he'd come home.

It got later and I couldn't even sleep. So I raced to the Hokage tower and let myself in. There weren't even any guards there. I could sense a few anbu but that was all.

"What is going on?" I questioned the Third Hokage. "Where is everyone?"

"Naruto stole the scroll of Sealing that the 1st Hokage made that contains many forbidden jutsu," he explained as he stared at the glass orb in front of him. "Many shinobi are hunting him down now."

"But....Naruto would never do such a thing," I declared.

"I know....We've been deceived by Mizuki," the third hokage responded. "Go to the western woods. I assume Iruka and Naruto will need medical attention."

My eyes widened and then I raced off. When I got to the scene, I saw Mizuki passed out and Iruka and Naruto together.

"Naruto! Iruka!" I called as I ran over.

"Big sis!" Naruto shouted.

"Kira!" Iruka called and then winced.

"What's the damage?" I questioned as I kneeled beside Iruka.

"Some kunai wounds to my legs and a giant shuriken to my back," he explained.

I immediately began to heal him and glanced over at Naruto, noticing the Leaf shinobi headband on his head. I glanced at Iruka and saw his was gone.

"Wait. Did you give him your headband?" I asked.

"Mhm. He earned it. He learned quite a difficult jutsu and even used it to save me," he explained with a smile.

"Thank you Iruka...for watching after Naruto. I know it's difficult for you," I told him and he nodded.

"I understand now though. He also lost his parents that night...." Iruka stated. "He's lucky to have you Kira."

"Just know you're not alone either, Iruka," I told him with a smile and then finished healing him before turning to Naruto.

"Are you hurt?" I asked worriedly.

Naruto shook his head and smiled.

"Nope! I kicked his butt and didn't even get a scratch," he announced.

I sighed in relief and then pulled Naruto in for a hug. He hugged me back.

"I'm sorry for what I said earlier," Naruto said.

"It's okay Naruto. Even if we're not blood we are family," I responded. "I'm sorry you weren't able to have your parents raise you."

"I'm just glad I have you," Naruto replied. "And Iruka Sensei....and Kashi....and Daiko....and even intense eyebrows."

"He has a name Naruto," I said and flicked his nose, chuckling.

"Iruka Sensei promised me ramen tonight. Can I go with him?" He asked.

"It's morning already huh...." I murmured. "Of course. Just don't stay out too late or you'll have me worried."

"Alright big sis!"

The anbu took Mizuki away and Iruka pulled me to the side to have a word.

"Mizuki told Naruto the truth," he said. "He knows now that he's the Nine-Tailed Fox spirit."

I sighed and glanced over at Naruto.

"He was going to find out eventually. Thank you for telling me," I said before heading back home with Naruto.

"Big sis?" Naruto began to ask and I looked down at him. "Did you know this whole time why everyone avoided me?"

"Yes," I replied. "I didn't really want to tell you. You were just a child when it happened."

" come you didn't avoid me?" He questioned.

"Well....You're my brother. Family doesn't abandon one another," I told him. "I didn't care what you were. You're Naruto Uzumaki and that's all that matters."

He smiled and I smiled back. As soon as we got back home, we crashed on the couch, both falling asleep. I guess it was a good thing he knew now. Made sense since he was a shinobi now. Well, after he passes his Sensei's test. I wonder who his Sensei will be.

Hehe another chapter!

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