Chapter 26: Missing Nin

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"Again," I called as I sat under a tree with a few books beside me.

I had looked up to watch Nari and Daiki spar some since I had arranged for us to meet and train a week after the Chunin exams. I had challenged Daiki and Nari to spar without relying on any jutsu and the main focus was to strengthen their taijutsu. Nari being a user of gentle fist already has a good grasp on it, but I figured him fighting Daiki would help motivate Daiki to work more on his taijutsu since it the thing he hates.

I watched Daiki fall to the ground again and sighed.

"Take a break," I told them and began to read once again.

I was dressed in my usual garb, a grayish blue shirt with a chainmail long-sleeved underneath with grey long pants. The only difference now was that I had the flak jacket on as well. It felt odd wearing it, but I figured I had worked hard to earn this. I don't always wear it, but today it felt necessary since I needed to coral some shinobi.

"What are you even reading Kira?" Daiki questioned as he sat down beside me.

"Medical jutsu books along with some other healing and medicinal literature. I want to learn as much as I can before asking to train at the hospital," I told them. "My duties as a shinobi will come first but knowing medicine and healing jutsu is always helpful, especially since so many rare people use it. We need it more than ever since we're in a war."

"Ohhh. That's really cool," Daiki stated and looked over a few of the books.

"Is this something you've always had in mind?" Nari questioned.

"Not originally, but I kinda thought if I want to be able to save people, I can do it in more ways than one," I commented with a smile.

Nari smiled back and took a drink of water as our team relaxed together. After a few minutes of silence, Daiki broke the tension and asked a question we all wondered.

"Where did Emiyo Sensei even go...." Daiki murmured.

"Yeah. I understand chunin can take over for teams, but that doesn't mean the Sensei is supposed to just up and disappear," Nari stated. "Teams still need training, especially if they want a chance to become chunin as well."

"Yeah...." I murmured with a sigh.

"I haven't even seen her in the Village and you would think we'd run into her once in awhile or maybe visit us..." Daiki said sadly. "Something isn't right."

"I'll speak with the Hokage about this later," I told them. "Hopefully there is a logical explanation."

They nodded in agreement.

"In the meantime, I'll find some scrolls and books over fire release techniques for you Daiki. Since neither Nari and I can help you, I figured I could lead you down the right track and assist you in anyway I can," I informed him with a smile.

"Ah....Thank you Kira," Daiki replied and smiled gratefully. "I promise to actually read them!"

"You better keep that promise or she'll make you do taijutsu more often," Nari said, threatening him in order to motivate him.

"Okay! Okay! I'll definitely read them," Daiki spoke nervously and sighed. "You guys are so mean to me."

"We're your friends idiot," I told him. "So we're just looking out for you."

Daiki nodded and then laid back in the grass, staring up at the clouds.

"Say. Won't we be able to do more C rank missions now with Kira as a chunin," Daiki questioned.

"Not sure....We usually have a jonin with us and since we can't find our Sensei who knows what missions we'll be receiving," I explained.

"Awww," Daiki whined.

"We'll survive," Nari said. "We just need to train harder and make it to the next Chunin exam."

"Right!" Daiki replied with a cheeky smile.

"Since you both are in the right spirits, get back to sparring," I ordered and they sighed, reluctantly doing so.

I eventually called it a day and went on my way to the Hokage's office. I lightly knocked before entering and bowed respectively.

"Hokage sir. I have some questions I need to ask you if you have the time," I said as I stood before the Third Hokage.

"Go ahead Kira," he responded and I nodded.

"Emiyo Tanaka. Do you know her whereabouts?" I asked.

"Your Sensei?" The third questioned as he began to think. "You haven't seen her at all?"

"No lord Hokage. The last time I saw her was after the Chunin exams and she said she entrusted the team to me. I haven't seen her since," I explained. "Is she on a mission or something?"

"No. She hasn't taken any missions in awhile, claiming she was busy training you all," he responded and hummed in thought. "She's disappeared then."

"Disappeared..." I spoke quietly.

"We'll put her on the list of MIA and send a small investigation group," Lord Hokage stated. "But that is all I can do."

"Alright," I replied and bowed my head. "Thank you, Lord Hokage."

I then left the building and tears began to fill my eyes. My Sensei had just....Disappeared. A week ago when I saw her, was that her saying her final goodbyes? Is she even alive? Where could she be?

"Oi Kira," a voice called and I immediately began to rub my eyes.

I looked up and saw Obito walk over to me. I smiled kindly.

"Obito! It's nice to see you," I greeted happily.

"Likewise everything okay? You were crying," he pointed out and I sighed.

"No. My Sensei is reporting missing and I don't feel ready to lead my team yet. I'm scared I'll mess up," I explained.

He put a hand on my shoulder and gave me a reassuring squeeze as he smiled at me.

"Kira. You'll do great as your team leader. You already got Chunin on your first try anyway," Obito pointed out.

"I guess so," I murmured and then a light bulb went off in my head. "Obito! Could I ask a favor?"

"Uh, sure. Why not," he responded.

"Could you train with my teammate Daiki some. He's a fire release user just like you but I can't teach him new jutsu or anything," I explained. "If you would be able to help him learn some new things and hone his skills, that would be amazing."

"Hmmmm. Sure thing!" Obito replied.

"Really? Thank you Obito!" I cheered and hugged him. "You're a lifesaver...."

Hello lovely readers!!! I hope you've been enjoying the story so far!!

I'll be taking a small break. Should be just a few days due to the college semester starting back up. Oh boyyyyy

So I'll most likely be writing lots this weekend and will be publishing more chapters!!!!

Thank you all for reading! Love you guys!!

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