The Funeral | Chapter Five

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After he left his soft lips on your hand, he held it, pulled you in while twirling you around, and began dancing in a rhythm that synced yours. You giggle a bit as he twirls you again, you face the mirror and he crosses your arms over each other, holding either hand at your hips. He places a kiss on your neck as you both sway in front of the mirror, looking at yourselves. "There's somethings I want to wear that were my Mama's..." You smile at yourself in the mirror. Camilo looks at your face by the reflection of the mirror and smiles at your smile. "I know what it is, I'll wait in here while you get it." He says. You nod your head and make your way out of your room to your mothers.

A couple minutes later, you enter your room again wearing a purple cardigan and a small golden-chained necklace with a small gem. You smiled as Camilo stood up in front of you, his face looked amazed but in awe. "What?" You asks, slowly realising as you look in the mirror. "I-" You begin, tearing up not being able to finish. "You look just like her." Camilo says. He hugs you from behind, his arms wrapped over your shoulders. "I- I do." You smile softly, tilting your head to the side, resting your cheek on Camilo's arm and taking his hand. "Can you promise me something?" You ask. "Promise you what?" Camilo asks in reply. You smile and turn around, "Promise that you'll never leave me."

"I promise I will never leave you." Camilo says, and with that you push your lips onto his, surprising him once again. You back him up, almost pushing him, while still kissing him. He falls back onto your bed, and you sit on his lap, still kissing him. "Y/n." Camilo tries to say while your lips continue to interlock with his. "Y/n." He tries again. This time you pull back and reply, "What's wrong?" With a saddened look on your face. You push your hair behind your ear as Camilo asks, "What are we doing?" You shrug your shoulders, and apparently that was a good enough answer for him to continue. He pushed his lips back against yours, then suddenly you found yourself laying on your bed, and he was on top. He had rolled you over without any second thoughts, still kissing you, but kissing rougher.

"Camilo." You say, in the same situation you had him in earlier. "Camilo..." You try again. "Hm?" He hums. "I don't think we should take this any further." You mumble. He gets off of you, and pulls you up along with him, so you're both standing. He kisses you then says, "How far did you think I would've gone?" With a wide smirk on his face. "Haha, very funny." You laugh sarcastically, then flick him in between his eyes, "You would've gone further if it was your choice." You grin in return in a jokingly way. He laughs at your attempt to tease him, and leaves a kiss on you one more time before you both return to the Madrigal's Casita.

You arrive outside their house, holding onto Camilo's hand as tight as you could. Feeling a little nervous you make your way inside to see a beautifully decorated house. You both hear Dalores yell, "They're here!" As she looks away. You felt like you were walking down the isle at a wedding. A long path leading to an archway with rows of seats either side. You walk down the path with Camilo by your side as everyone in town watched. Camilo sat in a free seat at the front as you got to the end, and saw your mother in a casket. You shed a little tear and turn around to face everyone, "This is wonderful. Thank you." You cry. Everyone had a few tears in their eyes, some more than others. Julietta had put together a speech, and after she had finished, she took your hand from the side and pulled you closer to her, "Is there anything you'd like to say?" She asks.

You nod your head, and she sits down next to Camilo in the front. You begin, "I have lived in Encanto since I was just a baby. And my father left when I was born, so that was hard on everyone, except me of course, I didn't even know him, anyways. I grew up with an amazing mother and an amazing family by my side, so I'd like to thank the Madrigal's for being there when they were. My mother became ill when I was just a little girl, what was I? Like 9, I think? Well the Madrigals had always helped me look after my mother, especially Camilo." You take his hand and have him stand up next to you, "You see, Camilo has been my best friend almost my whole life! And he was always helping my mother, he always came over early in the morning to make us breakfast, and he'd take me grocery shopping at the market, always picking me and my Mama flowers on the way. He's always been so sweet, and well..." You stop to kiss him in front of everyone, "I think that explains it."

Everyone claps and cheers for you, then everyone gathered around the casket to see Isabella one last time before flowers bloomed over the casket. "Our drinks are still strong!" Abuela Alma shouts. You, Camilo and Mirabel all sit around the kitchen island, while Julietta grabbed a bottle of red whine out of the cupboard, "What do you three want?" She asks. The three of you stare down the bottle, "You can have one glass each." Julietta says, then she pours three glasses in front of you, "Have any of you ever drank before." She asks. You and Camilo shake your head, and Mirabel says "No." aloud. You and Camilo take a normal sized gulp out of your glasses as Mirabel watches. She does the same but instantly spits it back into the glass, "Ugh... that's so... strong!" She groans. You both laugh at her as you pretend like you never used to raid the alcohol cupboard in your house while your mum was asleep.

"To Isabella!" Julietta said. Everyone clashed their glasses together and took a sip. The evening came quicker than expected, Camilo became tired of your nonsense drunk rambling and picked you up, carrying you up the stairs and into his room. "I never should've let you finish our glasses." Camilo whines.

He puts you down on the bed, then starts rummaging through his wardrobe

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He puts you down on the bed, then starts rummaging through his wardrobe. He throws a white shirt at you, and a pair of his shorts. "What do you want me to do with these?" You ramble. "Put them on. What else." Camilo replies, searching for pajama's for himself to wear. He turns around to see you laying in his bed, all rolled up under his quilt. "Ugh, Y/n. Put those on." He says, while taking off his shirt trying to change himself. "No..." You mumble. "Why not?" He asks. You mumble back, "I'm too tired I need help."

"Ugh..." He groans as he walks over to you. You sit at the edge off the bed and he takes off your under skirt, so your still wearing the dress over the top so he won't see anything you wouldn't want him to. The door opens and suddenly the room starts flooding. "Mama your cloud!" Camilo says. "Mama your cloud!? Really?" She shouts, mimicking Camilo's voice, "What do you mean, 'Mama your cloud!'? I walk into your room to see you two doing... that!?" "What? Oh crap- I um, I mean. No, it's not what it looks like. I just-" Camilo worries what his mum is thinking of him. "Not another word out of you. Don't you dare continue what you're doing! Go to sleep!" Pepa yells, the door slamming behind her.

Camilo quickly puts his shorts on you underneath your dress, then takes off your dress and puts his shirt over your vest. "You have no idea how much trouble you've got me in..." He groans at you. You crawl into his bed and under the quilt as he changes into his pajama's too. He gets in the bed beside you but faces away from you. You turn over and hug around him, getting as close to him as you can. "Go to sleep." He says. "I will but I wanna cuddle. Your so comfortable!" You giggle. Camilo rolls his eyes as he rolls over onto his back, so he's facing the ceiling. And you almost end up fully on top of him as you cuddle up to him. "Goodnight." He says. "Mhm" You hum as you drift off to sleep in the arms of Camilo.

Besides you being drunk, you knew you had feelings for him for a long while. Not as long as he has, but long enough to say that you're in love with him. You understand things might not work out in the future since you're only 17 but that didn't matter to you, only he mattered right now. He's the one who always helped you through things, he was even there during your first period, he thought you were dying! But he still helped, and he keeps on helping, he's always been there no matter what. Ever since the kiss on the swing, there was this constant feeling of butterflies in your stomach, and only a little room for guilt. That's besides the point, what you're trying to say is... you love Camilo with all your heart, and you feel like the luckiest girl in the world, knowing that he feels the same and even more towards you!

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