Suprises | Chapter Eight

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Last night was great! You had so much fun with the games and- "AHH!" You hear a scream and immediately run outside to see Isabella on the stairs. Everyone rushes out, and Diego lifts her upstairs into their room. "It's the baby!" Isabella screeches. Holy- what? The baby is on the way! Camilo rushed over to you and says, "Everything's okay, she's just gone into labour!" You nod your head, trying to peak over Camilo's shoulder to see through Isabella's door, but it closed. "Are you sure she's gonna be okay?" You ask, worrying. "Hey. Look at me." Camilo says, holding up your chin so you look up at him, "She is going to be great in there! And she is going to have a healthy baby, don't worry!" You stand on your toes, pushing your lips against his, then wonder off back into your room.

You open the window shutters and breathe in some cool-summer breeze, freshening yourself up first thing in the morning. The wind pushes through your hair, calming you down, then you start to imagine a future of your own, here is the Casita. You'd have 2 kids, with Camilo of course. The first a boy, 'hmm?' Carlos, yeah. And then a girl, Elena. You smile at your vision and gain an idea. "Bruno!" You call. "Bruno?" You call again. "I'm here!" Bruno replies, peaking around his door. "Can I come in for a second?" You ask. He nods in return, opening the door. "What's up?" He asks. You take a seat in the middle of his sand domain, "I just want to know some things. About me and Camilo." You inform. "I see, don't get angry if you don't like where this is going." Bruno replies, sitting opposite you.

You take hands and a storm swirls up, sand flying around you. Suddenly his eyes glow green, surprising you. He points at the picture and says, "I think that's you. And you're. You're pregnant. And Camilo is there. But your not in the Casita. You're not even in Encanto. Oh and there's already a child born, a girl." You sigh and say, "Thank you. See you later!" As you leave the room. It's not exactly what you expected, but it's with Camilo, just not with anyone else, or even here...

A couple hours pass, and you hear crying as you walk up to Isabella's room. The baby! You knock on the door, holding a small basket you had decorated yourself. "Come in!" You hear a tired voice say. You open the door and walk inside, trying to contain your excitement, but it bursts out as you run up to her bed and kneel down beside her. "It's adorable..." You say. "It's a boy." Diego replies while Isabella nods her head with the baby in her arms, "Mateo is his name." You look at the baby with your eyes glistening, then snap out of your daze and lift the basket into the bed. "For you guys! But mostly the baby!" You say as you stand up. They both laugh and look through the basket; soap, chocolate, baby clothes, a hat you knitted yourself.

"This is very generous of you, Y/n! Thank you so much." Isabella says. "Anything for you!" You smile back. You exit her room and go to see Camilo in his room. Just as you're about to knock on the door he opens it in a hurry. "Oh!" You jump as he scared you. "Sorry Y/n. There's something at the door I need to grab, it just arrived." Camilo informs. He hurries past you as you follow him down the stairs. "What is it?" You ask. Camilo replies, "It's a surprise, you'll find out later." "Okay..?" You question, hesitating whether you should return to your room. You go to your room anyway, hoping you'd find out soon.

Later on, Camilo knocks on your door. You open your door to see Camilo holding a basket with a pink bow on the handle, "Come!" Camilo says holding out his hand. You take his hand and walk out of the Casita beside him. "Is this a date?" You ask. Camilo nods his head and you continue walking down a long path. "I got this all set up for you." Camilo claims. You look around and ask, "What?" Not seeing anything special or different. When suddenly you're dragged into a small cove, bright colours everywhere. "Wow!" You excite. Camilo shows you to a blanket on the ground, ready to have your picnic. You sit down, with both your legs to one side. "What did you put in there?" You ask, looking at the basket. "Chocolate covered strawberries, two glasses and water, apples, cupcakes. Oh! And arepa's!" Camilo responds.

You giggle at his effort, but stop as he places his hand on your cheek. His eyes looked deeply into yours, as if he was looking for answers. "Camilo-" You begin, him shushing you with a smile on his face. You became quiet and just watched as he looked at you, his thumb slowly rubbing over your bottom lip. Admiration is a nice thing, but Camilo was admiring you for a while. You blink and before you could even open your eyes again, Camilo had swooped in to steal a kiss. You kiss him back, and end up kissing for a while. So many emotions had hit you at once, you felt like a train rushing through water in a cloud! Basically it was unexplainable.

After the kiss, Camilo ended up feeding a Chocolate covered strawberry to you. You took a bite, then he took a bite off the same strawberry. "You have a flair for romance, huh?" You ask. He nods his head and replies, "Yeah, you deserve a guy who would do anything for you." You don't really have a response to that, so you just sit and watch as he finishes the strawberry. "Look up there." Camilo points upwards as he lays down on the blanket. You look up and see two birds sitting on a branch. Then you lay down next to Camilo, resting on his shoulder, "What about it?" You ask. Camilo smiles and says, "I bet they're in love. A couple even." You laugh and say, "Sure thing. They do look it."

"Camilo!" Someone calls, "Y/n!" You both shoot up off the ground and see Mirabel calling for you. "It's Isabella! She's really week!" Mirabel shouts, tears streaming down her face. Camilo immediately stood up and ran over to her, you following shortly behind. He placed his hand on her shoulder and asked, "What's wrong with her?" Mirabel shook her head uncontrollably not knowing how to answer. "Hey... hey." You said, trying to comfort her, you took both of her hands and held them in your palm, "Calm down Mira, everything is going to be okay." You nod at Camilo and he runs away, going to the Casita. "Once you're calm, tell me what's going on." You say. Mirabel wipes her tears and replies, "She's gone really- really pale. An- and she has a fever."

You nod and drag Mirabel along with you as you begin your trip back home. "I know what this is." You say. Mirabel looks at you confused and you carry on, "My mama always got ill when she had drastic changes to her body." You walk through the town and Mirabel asks, "How did you help her?" You stop and look at Mirabel, how could you possibly tell her that... it's not actually possible. "Um..." You stutter, thinking of an excuse to make her feel a bit better. You run up to a market stall and buy some herbs, "Herbal tea will make her feel better over a couple days. She'll be perfectly fine." You lie. Mirabel nods and you both hurry home.

Camilo waits for you at the door, pacing back and forth until you get there. "We're here!" You call. Camilo runs up to you and Mirabel, taking both of your hands and dragging you inside, up the stairs and to Isabella's room. "She looks like a ghost..." Camilo says. You turn around to both of them, "Stay out here. Okay?" You tell them. "What? Why?" Camilo asks. "Just... just trust me okay?" You ask. They both nod and wait outside as you let yourself into her bedroom. You go to Isabella as she lays on her bed, with Diego sitting next to her. "I know what's happening." You state. Diego looks at you, digging for the answer. "There's no cure, it'll take a while but she'll get better eventually, just keep her cool and relaxed." You tell Diego as Isabella sleeps. "How do you know?" Diego asked, worrying. "This happened to my Mama a lot, whenever she had drastic changes to her body she'd get like this, it's because she's just had the baby." You reply, telling him everything you know. "I'm going to make her a herbal tea, pretend it will help, I beg you, I can't stand to see Mirabel like this... she thinks it'll help." You plead. Diego nods his head as you leave the room.

"She's going to be okay." You inform everyone who waited outside the door. They all followed you down the stairs looking for answers. "Well?" Julietta asks, worrying about her daughter as she held her grandchild. "She's just week from delivering a baby. Just treat it like a fever, keep her cool and comfortable. And um... herbal tea helps." You reply, having to carrying on the lie about tea. You go into the kitchen and warm up some water over the stove, sprinkling the herbs in it. Then you give it to Luisa who offered to help. Camilo waits for you to finish, then as Luisa leaves he comes up to you.

"You're amazing..." Camilo says. You try to hide your smile at his compliment, knowing there's more serious things going on and he's out here flirting with you. "How did you know what to do?" He asks as he kisses your hand. "My mama. Remember she always got like this." You reply. "But she never got better?" Camilo asked. You look up at him and frown. "I lied." You say. "What do you mean?" Camilo wonders. "The tea won't help. She'll have to fight it herself..." You say. Camilo pulls you into a warm embrace. "I know why you lied, and I think that was the right thing to do." He says. You kiss him in the cheek as he pulls away. "I hope she can do it." You mumble, trying to stay calm. "I know she can. She's a literal warrior!" Camilo jokes trying to cheer you up. "I guess so." You reply.

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