2. It's A Match

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3rd Person POV

Tony watched helplessly as Mary fell to the ground. Stephen quickly knelt down next to her and tried to find a pulse. He noticed that she had been shot in her abdomen. 

"Tony, I can't find a pulse. She's gone." Stephen said.

"Mommy?" The child in Tony's arms cried.

"Shhh, Bambino. It's okay. You're okay." Tony soothed. An officer walked over to the two.

"Mr. Stark, we can take the child now. Since his parents aren't able to care for him anymore, Mr. Parker will be going to an orphanage." The officer said.

"Wait. Mary said something about Richard not being Peter's real dad. I can find his father. Surely he has a right to know about his son." Tony said. The officer sighed.

"And would you be caring for the boy until you find his father?" He asked. The genius looked at his husband who nodded.

"Yes, we would. My husband and I would be more than happy to look after the little guy." Tony said.

"Very well. You have until the end of the week until CPS comes to retrieve Mr. Parker." Tony nodded. The officer walked away to his car and drove off.

"Come on, Bambi, let's go home. We'll find your dad and you'll be with your family again." Tony whispered to the boy.

"Mommy. Want Mommy!" The boy cried out, struggling to get out of Tony's arms.

"I'm sorry, Bambi. Mommy's not coming with us." Tony said, unsure how else to tell the boy that his mother was gone.

"Want Mommy!" The boy cried again. Tony sighed and walked over to the woman. Peter immediately jumped down and ran over to her.

"I wuv you, Mommy. Sweep well." He said. The young boy walked back over to Tony and looked at him. He raised his arms and opened and closed his fists.

"Up Up!" He said happily. Tony chuckled and picked the boy up. He made sure the boy couldn't see as two police officers picked up Mary's limp body and carried her away.

"Alright, bud. Let's go." Tony walked back to his and Stephen's car. Stephen followed shortly after. Peter turned his head to look over Tony's shoulder and at Stephen. He smiled and reached out to the man.

"Hewwo!" He said happily.

"Hey there, Peter." Stephen laughed.

"Ummm, Steph. I don't have a car seat for the little guy." Tony said. Stephen rolled his eyes.

"I know, Tones. You're going to hold him while I drive home." Stephen said. Tony chuckled and climbed into the car. The boy yawned and curled up in Tony's arms. It wasn't long before his soft breathing filled the car as he started to fall asleep.

"He really seems to like you, Tony. He trusts you." Stephen said as he started the car. Tony hummed in agreement.

"Maybe I won't be a bad father after all," He thought aloud.

"Daddy safe," Peter mumbled from his arms. Tony smiled at the boy.

"Awww, he already thinks of you as his dad. How cute." Stephen teased.

"Well, that's going to make it a lot harder on him when he finds out that he has a real dad. He's gonna be crushed." Tony said.

"What was the deal with Mary? You seemed to know each other." Stephen pointed out as he started to drive.

"Yeah. We met at a science convention around 3 and a half years ago. She was sweet and smart and kind. Long story short, we ended up sleeping together." Tony said.

"He could be yours then. He looks about three years old, maybe a little younger, and you've gotta admit you look somewhat alike." Stephen said. Tony snorted at the idea. Him, a real father, it was ridiculous. Unfortunately, his laugh woke the boy. Peter slowly sat up and looked at the man.

"Hey, bud. Did we wake you?" Tony asked. The young boy nodded.

"Oops, sorry, Bambi. You can go back to sleep if you'd like." Tony said. The boy just shook his head and looked out the window.

"Well, since you're awake, do you want to do a quick experiment for me?" Tony asked. Peter's eyes grew wide in excitement and he nodded enthusiastically. Tony laughed.

"Alright. Hey J, will you give me a dish for DNA testing?" Tony asked.

"Here you are, sir," A voice replied making Peter jump. A small dish popped out of an opening in the control center.

"Sorry, bud. That's JARVIS. He's my helper." Tony explained.

"Where is he?" The boy asked.

"Oh, he's just a part of the car. And my house. He's always with you." Tony said.

"Okay!" Peter seemed satisfied with the answer.

"So for this experiment, I need to spit on this dish. Can you do that?" Tony asked. The boy nodded and followed the instructions.

"Alrighty. Now we let JARVIS do the rest!" Tony said, placing the tray back into the slot it came out of.

"J, find Peter's DNA matches please." Tony instructed.

"Oh, and while you're at it, compare with Tony's DNA. See if it's a match." Stephen said. Tony rolled his eyes.

"On it, sir," The voice said.

Peter yawned and curled back up in Tony's arms.

"Tired, Bambi?" Tony asked. The boy nodded.

"It's alright, get some sleep. Everything will be ready when you wake up." Tony said.

"How long do we wait, Tony?" Stephen asked.

"The results should be ready when we get home. Maybe sooner." Tony answered. They rode in silence the rest of the way, the only sounds were the hum of the motor and the soft snores of the boy in Tony's arms.

Stephen pulled the car into the garage of the tower. Tony carefully carried the sleeping boy upstairs to the penthouse.

"Where is he going to sleep?" Stephen asked.

"Ummm, shit. I didn't think about that." Tony answered. Their worry about Peter's sleeping place was soon resolved when the boy opened his eyes again.

"Awake again, bud?" Tony asked when he saw the boy looking up at him. The boy rubbed his eyes and smiled. Tony couldn't believe that man had been able to hurt this sweet little baby in his arms.

"Sir, the results are in. It's a match." JARVIS's voice filled the room.

"A match?" Tony asked.

"He's your son, sir. Congratulations." JARVIS said. Tony froze. His son. He had a son.

A/N: There's Chapter 2! I'm really enjoying writing this story! I promise I'll update A New Family soon, I have the chapter laid out, I just have to fill in some gaps. Hope you're enjoying it!

Just a heads up, I'm going on a vacation for the next few days and I'm not sure how much I'll be able to update. Please don't be upset if I'm not able to.

Please please please vote! It not only helps me know that you're enjoying the story, but it helps more people find the story.

Love y'all! <3

Kari (pen name)

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