18. Whiny Billionaire Bullshit

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An hour later, we find ourselves on a plane to Budapest, Hungary.

Natasha POV

It's been two months since Peter disappeared. Two months since he ran off with the enhanced people. Two months since he told us (signed)

I don't know you. I don't know who Peter is. Please leave us alone.

Tony hasn't left his lab once. Not even Stephen can convince him. He's managed to block Strange's magic.

"Tony, please. You need to eat something. You need to take care of yourself. Peter wouldn't want this." I hear Stephen pleading from outside the lab. I walk over to him. He looks at me and I give him a sad smile.

It's obvious that Stephen hasn't been sleeping well. The bags under his eyes get more pronounced every time I see him.

"Peter doesn't even know who I am. What does it matter if he wants this or not?" Tony snaps back.

"Tony, we can get his memories back. I know we can. We helped Bucky. We can help Peter." I say.

"Go away, Romanoff. You don't know what you're talking about." Tony says.

"That's it, Stark. I've had enough of your baby, whiny, bullshit." I say. I walk away and jump into the vents. I make my way to the vent above his lab and pull out a small explosive.

"You're a billionaire. You can pay for the damages." I mutter. I set it off and clear the area. As soon as the small explosion happens I head back and drop into the lab.

"Stop being a baby, Stark," I say and stand up only to be met with an Ironman Gauntlet pointed at me...ready to fire.

"Do it, Stark," I challenge. He glares at me and I see how broken he is. His face is pale and gaunt. His eyes are lifeless and dried tear tracks are stained on his face. I head the repulsor charging up and close my eyes, ready for the pain...then silence.

I hear the armor clatter to the floor and then I hear soft sniffling. I open my eyes and see Tony swaying back and forth, crying.

"JARVIS, open the lab doors. Please." I say and pull Tony into my arms.

"I am unable to -" I cut the AI off.

"I don't care, JARVIS, just open the damn doors!" I hiss.

"Just do it, Jay," Tony mutters. The lab doors open and Stephen runs in. He takes Tony from my arms and looks at me.

"Thank you," He says and carries the billionaire away.

"Ms. Romanoff, Big Scary Pirate requests your presence in meeting room A." I snort at Tony's name for Fury.

"Thanks, Jay. Tell him I'll be right there." I say.

I make my way to meeting room A.

"Hello, Fury. What do you need?" I ask.

"Romanoff. A name has popped up on our radar in Budapest. One I think you'll be very interested in." He says.

"Budapest?" Clint asks from behind me.

"Nice of you to join us, Barton," Fury says.

"I was half a minute later than her!" He points out.

"Back to the mission," I say drawing both of their attention. A name flashes on the screen. I gasp.

"Dreykov? I thought we took care of him years ago." Clint says.

"Lena," I whisper seeing the name underneath Dreykov's.

"Yelena Belova. She's been tracking Dreykov since you disabled the Red Room. She found that he managed to restart the program. She is close to taking him down, but she needs help. I understand you and she were close, Natasha." He says. I nod.

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