8. Talk

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"Peter?" Peter turns and looks at the man. He waves.

"Can we talk?" Tony asks and Peter nods.

Peter POV

"I want to start off by saying that I'm sorry for earlier. I should have left you alone. I wasn't thinking about what you wanted, I was just thinking about what I wanted." I raise a hand, cutting him off.

*I forgive you. I want to spend time with you, but I'm scared. I couldn't live with myself if I knew that you got hurt because of me. But it's not fair for me to be with May and not you. I either take myself out of both of your lives or neither. May refuses to let me go, so I won't go. I can't leave her. So I'll spend time with you too.* He's silent and I panic. Maybe he wants me to go.

*Only if that's what you want, of course.* I sign quickly.

"Of course I want that. You're my son. I would love to spend time with you." He says. I smile.

*I'm glad. You know, when I was gone they tried to wipe my memory. They never fully succeeded though. My mind healed itself as I was being wiped. I always remembered one face. It was fuzzy and I couldn't really hear them, but I think it was you.* I admit.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that." Tony says quietly.

*Me too. But it happened and it's in the past now. I'm just happy to be here.* I sign.

"I should have protected you better that night." He sighs.

*What do you mean?* I ask.

"Well, the night you were taken was the same night I first met you. Stephen and I brought you here to find out who your father was since Mary told us that Richard wasn't and we found out it was me. That night you slept with us since we didn't have a room ready, but HYDRA came. Shadow was disguised as my best friend and they pretended to hurt her. I was stupid and let my guard down for a second and they injected Stephen and I with something that knocked us out." Tony explains.

*I don't blame you. You had every reason to worry more about your best friend than a kid you'd never met.* I sign, completely honest.

"I just wish you hadn't been the price of my stupidity. I should have done more. Looked harder. When they said you had died I didn't believe it. I couldn't believe it." He says. The thing I did next surprises me. I take a couple steps towards him and then a couple more until I am able to wrap my arms around him. He stiffened slightly and I almost let go, but he then relaxed into the embrace.

"I'm sorry, Pete. I'm sorry." He whispers, trembling slightly. I pull back just enough to sign,

*Everything is forgiven. I'm just happy to have you back in my life.* He smiles.

*I have to go now, but I'm happy we talked.* I signed. His eyebrows furrow.

"How did you even get up here?" He asks and I freeze. I decide to be honest.

*Experiment Spider-1432, remember?* I ask.

"You're Spiderman." He says, connecting the dots.

I place one finger over my lips and nod, pulling my mask back on.

"I won't tell anyone." He promises.

*Thanks, Mr. Stark.* I sign.

"Tony is fine, kid. Mr. Stark was my dad." He says.

*Sorry, Tony. I'll see you around.* I sign and then jump off the roof.

"PETER!" He shouts. I let out a silent laugh and swing off. I get to the rooftop where Deadpool and I were yesterday to see him waiting. He waved and I smile.

"Hey, Spidey!" He says when I land.

"H-He-e-he-l-o-lo" I say. He laughs.

"Oh my gosh! You spoke! I thought the author wasn't going to have you do that for a while." He exclaims. (GODDAMMIT WADE! STOP BREAKING MY WALLS!)

"W-W-a-Wa-d-d-e" I stutter. He smiles.

"That's me! This is so awesome!" He exclaims.

"P-P-e-e-t-Pe-t-e-te-r" I say next, deciding that I want him to know who I am.

"Peter? What about him?" Wade asks. He seems worried. I reach up and take off my mask. His eyes widen.

"M-m-e" I said. He stares.

"Peter? You're Spiderman?" He asks and I nod.

"This is amazing! And you're speaking too!" He says happily.

*I can't speak very well, and it hurts a lot.* I explain.

"Oh, okay. Well, we can keep working on it." I smile and nod.

"D-D-e-De-ad-d-p-p-o-o-ol" I say, still frustrated with the stutter. Wade noticed my frustration.

"That was really good. Why are you upset?" He asks.

*The stupid stutter. It won't go away.* I explain.

"Oh, well you'll probably have a stutter for a while. Your voice isn't used to being used." He says. I sigh.

*I know, I just wish it would go away. I have to get home though. I'll see you tomorrow.* I sign.

"Yeah, see you!" He waves. I swing home and slip inside.

"I thought I told you to leave a note." I spin around and see May standing angrily in my doorway.

*Im so sorry, May. I completely forgot.* I sign, hanging my head.

"Peter, I was so worried. I thought something bad happened. Spiderman hasn't been on the news tonight. I had no idea what happened." She says.

*I'm sorry, May. It won't happen again.* I sign.

"I know it wasn't on purpose, Peter. Just remember next time, please." I nod. She pulls me into a hug.

"I'm sorry for speaking so harshly. I was so worried." She says.

"L-Lo-v-ve y-y-o-yo-u M-M-a-Ma-ay" I say. She smiles.

"I love you too, Peter." She says.

A/N: There's Chapter 8! Hope you enjoyed it!

Love y'all! <3

Kari (pen name)

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