three | outcast

43 3 1

My boots hit the concrete ground resulting in soft thuds and the sound of leaves crunching beneath my feet. It was already so cold out that when I blow air out of my mouth, I could see it disintegrate into the air like the smoke of my mini killers.

Speaking of which - I need to smoke.

I turned around towards Ashton, who was walking quietly behind me. "You can just go to the office - my mom will be there. I have something to do."

"What?" Ashton's eyes looked into mind. "Where do you have to go? I don't even know where the office is."

"I just have to do something," I answered while completely avoiding the question at the same time. "And the office is on the left right when you enter."

Ashton pouted. "You're leaving me on my first day? I thought you were going to show me around..."

I sighed. "Listen, Ash," I whispered. "You might not want to be seen with me on school grounds."

"Why not?" He frowned.

"Because I'm an outcast," I said. "And I'll only bring your social status down before it even started."

"I don't care about my social status," he said. "You make it seem like being with you is embarrassing."

"Because it is," I replied. "Everybody hates me there, alright? Don't ask. I don't want to be the one to blame when it all goes down."

Ashton grabbed my hand and gave me a serious look. "Lina, I don't care what anybody thinks of me. I don't know why they hate you or being with you is embarrassing, but I don't care."

"You might if you knew the truth," I mumbled quietly.


"Nothing. I just don't want people to bully you for hanging out with me."

"It's not my problem," he smiles. "It's theirs for feeling so offended that I'm hanging out with a cool girl."

I make eye contact with him, which I had been avoiding for as long as I could. I smile. "You think I'm cool?"

"Definitely," Ashton confirmed. "Besides, it won't only be us. We'll also have Michael, Calum, and Luke - whom I hope to introduce you to today. We'll all be outcasts together."

I closed my eyes, feeling the cool wind whip around my hair. I take a deep breath as Ashton brushes off a piece of my blue hair that falls in front of my face. I reopened my eyes.

"Okay," I said.


"Okay," I repeated. "I'll go in with you."

I was giving up my usual extra time of smoking for Ashton, but it was worth it. If it had been any other person, I'd choose smoking before they could even talk to me. But Ashton... he deserves at least one new friend, even if he would get shunned by the school.

It wasn't even about the smoking, either. I don't want Ashton to get unnecessary shit for talking and being near me, it wouldn't be fair. I'll always be an outcast, when Ashton could be so much more. I'm only bringing him down.

But if he wants me to stay, I'll stay.

We enter the school building with multiple stares at us, and I realize that Ashton is still holding my hand. Actually gripping it, in fact, even though he doesn't seem to be a nervous wreck.

And then I remember that I'm the nervous wreck.

Mostly everyone is glaring at me, and giving Ashton confused looks as if saying, "Who's the new guy? And why is he hanging out with someone like... her."

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