Chapter 14-Stars

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Rhiannon's POV

I woke up to hear my phone buzzing, I had missed texts from Josh.  I guess I had forgotten to set my alarm. 

9:15 Joshy- Good morning lovely, I will be there at 11:00 to get you for our lunch date.

10:00 Joshy- any requests?

10:30 Joshy- I am on my way, can't wait to see you.

I looked over at the clock, it was 10:45.  Shit.  I quickly sat up and ran into the bathroom.  I looked like garbage, last nights makeup smeared on my face, my hair a mess. 

"Why did you get up so quick?" I heard from the other room, I had almost forgot Penny was there. I'm sure Josh would love seeing her leaving my room this morning.

"Me and Josh have a date in line 15 minutes and I look awful, I have to get ready." I said as I quickly wiped last nights makeup off.

"Alright well, I'll see you later then?" She said as she threw on some clothes.

"Sure, I'll see you then." I walked her out of my room and watched as she went to her room.  I threw on some fresh mascara and threw my hair up into a bun before I heard a knock on the door.  I felt my heart start to race. I was so excited to see him, even though I had just seen him last night.

"One second!" I said as I scrambled to find clothes.  I decided on a rust-colored dress with a cream colored sweater layered over it because it was cold.  I ran over and finally opened the door.  A huge smile grew across my face as I saw Josh standing there, holding a bouquet of flowers, a big smile on his face as he looked at me.  "What are these for?" I asked as I took them from him,

"Just because, I knew they'd put a smile on your face, and I love that smile of yours," He said as he kissed me,

"Well thank you."  I felt myself blush as I went and placed them on the dresser.

"You are so welcome," He said as he stepped into the room, his hands in his pockets as he waited for me to put my shoes on "Are you almost ready to go?"

"Yup, I am ready." I said as I grabbed my bag and my phone, I instinctively stuck out my hand for him to hold it, I looked down and saw writing on his hand.  It was faded but I could tell what it was "And what is this?" I said in a teasing tone, holding up his hand and inspecting it as we stepped into the elevator. 

"That is how Rose gave me her number." He said shyly as he rolled down his sleeve,

"Are you excited about ya'lls date?" I asked curiously, I wasn't sure why I cared

"Not as excited as I am about this date." He said shooting me a playful smile, as if he'd passed a test and was proud of himself, I rolled my eyes and smiled as the elevator doors opened  

"So where are we going?" I said as we made our way through the lobby. 

"It's a surprise." He said as we got into a car that was waiting for us.  I looked over and saw a picnic basket sitting next to him.  I didn't want to ruin the surprise, so I just didn't act like I saw it.  He kept looking over at me and smiling the whole way to the venue, one hand behind my shoulders and the other resting on my thigh.  I sighed as I thought about how in love with me he was, and how much I fell for him every time I saw the way he swooned over me.  We finally pulled up to a building with a dome shaped roof. I looked around to notice that there was only one other car in the parking lot.  He grabbed the picnic basket and we got out of the car, approaching the buildings doors.

"Josh, I don't think this place is open.." I said

"It is for us," He stopped and knocked on the glass doors, after a moment a man walked up and unlocked the door,

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