Sodapops favor Part 5

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Hope y'all are enjoying so far please vote comment and recommend. Once I finish this story I plan on writing a Steve x reader and Soda x reader so please comment suggestions.

Sodas POV:

We finally started to make our way back to the house after dealing with Pony's trashy ex Callie. The whole way back Ponyboy was giving Y/N a piggyback ride and I was chatting with Johnny. When we got back to the house I decided to check the mail. Once I opened the mailbox I found a letter in it from Sandy my girlfriend. I decided to take the letter to my room to read it. I went and sat on my bed and opened the letter it said "Dear Sodapop, I love you a lot and I just found out some big news that I must share with you. I found out that I'm pregnant and you're the father because I've never been with anyone else. I'm scared and I don't know what to do if my parents find out they will disown me and this baby. Meet me at the park. Soda please help. Love Sandy and baby." This made tears roll down my face. I was over come with so many emotions. I needed to tell someone but I couldn't tell Darry so I decided to go to Pony and Y/N and use my favor.

Y/N's POV:

Me,Pony,and Johnny were sitting on the couch watching cartoons. I kept having this thought that Callie was  familiar. So I asked Pony if Callie had a brother and he said "Yes as a matter of fact she had a twin brother." So I proceeded to ask "What was his name?" Ponyboy then said "His name was Christian." We then both paused for a second then I said "He was my ex boyfriend." While Pony said "Wait was he your ex?" Johnny then joined the conversation and said "Wait a minute you guys both dated twins that where brother and sister that's weird man." There was then an  awkward silence until Soda rushed in. He came and sat in Darry's chair. I looked at him and noticed that he was in tears. I walked over to him and said "Hey Soda what's wrong?" In a soft comforting voice. Pony and Johnny came over and joined us Pony putting his arms around my waist before sodapop spoke. When he did speak he said "Guys I need to use that favor you owe me." Me and Ponyboy looked at each other concerned and Johnny just looked confused. But I spoke up and said "Okay sure what is it?" "I need you to help me figure out how to tell Darry something but keep it a secret until I tell him." Pony then said "Um okay what's the secret?" In a concerned and confused way. Soda paused for a second then said "Sandy's pregnant and I'm the father." In a blunt tone. All of a sudden before me,Johnny,or Ponyboy could react we heard Steve say "You're the what." Soda then started to panic and said "Shit I gotta get to the park come on guys Steve I'll explain later I promise." Steve then said "Ok you better." As we rushed out the door to the park we ran into Darry he just got out of his car when he saw us all running he called out "Hey where y'all going in such a rush?" Soda responded "Sorry gotta go I'll explain later." Darry then said "Ok just be back Before dinner." We all ran as fast as we could to the park when we got there we saw Sandy.Soda ran to her and picked her up in a hug and spun around then put her down. After that Sandy started crying and said "I'm sorry for dragging you in to this." Soda then shushed her and hugged her tight and said "It's ok love it's ok." Pony then spoke up and said "So you really are pregnant and my brother Soda is the father?" I gently elbowed him and said "Don't be rude." He just scoffed I could tell he was a little disappointed in Soda since he was only 17 after all. I then spoke up and said "So I'm going to be a aunt and Pony and Darry are going to be uncles." Sandy looked at me smiled and said "Yes yes you are." I then jumped up and down excitedly and hugged Pony and said "We're going to have a niece or nephew."  Pony just said "Alright calm down love calm down." He then asked "Soda does that mean Sandy is going to come live with us?" Soda said "I don't know but most likely as long as Darry is ok with it." We then all headed back to the house for dinner. Once we got back Darry noticed Sandy and said "Hello you must be Sodas girlfriend Sandy."

Darry's POV:

Everyone just arrived back and Soda had his girlfriend Sandy with him. I figured it was a special occasion or something. But I quickly changed my mind when I saw the look of disappointment on Steve and Ponyboys faces. I then went to pull them aside to figure out what was wrong. When I went over to get Pony Y/N was with him. I politely asked if I could speak with him and Steve alone but Y/N said "Can I please come to please Darry?" I was about to give into her but Two-bit came over and said "Come on Y/N let's go watch cartoons on the couch with Johnny. You can be away from Pony for a couple minutes." She then said "No I can't he's my world." In a soft pouting voice. Pony then hugged her and kissed her on the forehead and said "It's ok love we'll make it quick right Darry won't we." I then said "Yes I won't keep him from you for that long." She then reluctantly agreed to go with Two. And Two just rolled his eyes. Me Steve and Pony went out to the front porch. We all lit a cancer stick. Then pony spoke up and said "So what did you want to talk to us about Dar?" I then asked "Why did you guys look upset inside?" That's when Steve spoke up and said "Soda got Sandy pregnant." I then yelled "What!?!"

Ponyboys POV:

Steve just told Darry Sodas secret and Darry was pissed. I then spoke up and said "Great going dumb ass now Soda is going to be mad at us and Darry is pissed." Darry then stormed back into the house to find Soda. Me and Steve chased after him. When we got back in the house we heard Johnny and Y/N saying "Guys what's wrong did you tell Darry?" I then said "Steve did." Y/N looked very worried. Darry went upstairs to  search for Soda. I then asked "where's Soda and Sandy we got to warn them about Darry?" Johnny then said "They're outside in the back man." So we all rushed out there and everyone was speaking at once so Soda said "Ok guys calm down. Steve what's wrong?" Steve said "I accidentally told Darry that Sandy's pregnant now he's pissed and he's looking for you." Soda then said "Shit ok Two-bit go tell him I'm out here and that I'm ready to talk. Steve and Dally stay with me and Pony,Y/N,Sandy,And Johnny go inside and wait in the living room where it's safe." We all said "ok" and did what Soda said. When we got to the living room Sandy started bawling her eyes out saying " This is all my fault." Johnny tried comforting and reassuring  her. But it didn't work so well. I tried comforting Y/N because she was worried because of what happened last time there was a argument with Darry. We waited in the living room for about an hour until Soda came back in. Johnny asked him what happened so Soda said "Darry was disappointed in me but he agreed to let Sandy live here." That put everyone at ease. Darry,Steve,and Dally then came in. Darry then calmly asked for me and Y/N to step outside to talk to him. Me and Y/N looked at each other nervously but went anyway. I grabbed her hand to try and make her less nervous and I could tell that it was working. When we got out there Darry said "You two will be sharing a room. But let's get some things straight no making out in bed and no having sex. I don't need Y/N to get pregnant.And I don't need Two-bit breathing down my neck. Got it those are the only rules." We both looked at each other blushed then looked back at Darry and said "Okay." Then we went back inside to eat dinner.

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