Rules were meant to be broken Part 6

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Y/N's POV:

It's been week since we found out Sandy was pregnant but she was 9 weeks when she told us. She had an ultrasound today and Soda invited me and Pony to tag along. Pony didn't really want to go but I talked him into it. When we arrived and got called back the nurse said today they were going to be checking if it is twins. This had me super excited. There was only two chars in the room so I sat on Pony's lap. Pony could tell I was excited which made him happy. But I knew he was sad on the inside because today is his birthday and he's been planning for weeks for me,him, and Johnny to spend the day together. But little did he know that me and the rest of the gang were planning him a surprise party after this ultrasound sound. When the doctor did the ultrasound sound she said "I have some exciting news." I then looked at Soda and Sandy smiling. As I did the doctor said "You Guys are having twins!" This made me jump for joy. Soda then hugged Sandy and she started crying tears of joy. Ponyboy just smiled at me and said you'll be a great mother when we get older. I then hugged him. The doctor then told them that at there appointment next Friday they will find out the genders. After we finished up with the appointment we headed out to the car to head home. The ride home was pretty silent until Pony noticed me thinking and asked me what I was thinking about. I then responded "Oh nothing I'm just excited that Sandy and Soda are having twins." He then smiled and kissed me on the forehead and said "Y/N your so cute when you're happy." This made me blush but I felt bad for not telling him the truth because I was actually thinking about rather or not I was going to tell him that I'm ready after his party. I originally planned on telling him today before Darry made the rules. But ever since he made the rules I've became unsure rather or not I should still do it. When we finally made it back to the house Soda put his hands over Pony's eyes and I grabbed Pony's hand.  We walked him into the house and uncovered his eyes and everyone jumped out and yelled surprise. Pony turned to me with a smile on his face and said "You did this for me!" and before I could answer he pulled me into a deep passionate kiss which made me decide to carry on with my plan after all. We where still in the kiss so Steve said "Hey you two get a room." That caused me and Pony to pull apart blushing. Two and Dar both smacked the back of Steve's head and said "Now don't you give those two ideas." That caused me to smirk because they didn't know what I had planned. While everyone was distracted partying I told Pony that I have a surprise for him later. He smiled and said "Oh I can't wait." After that we continued on with the party eating cake and hanging out. When 10:00 rolled around everyone decided that the party was over and went home. After everyone left and Soda,Darry, and Sandy went to sleep I grabbed Pony's hand and lead him to the bedroom. When we got there I had him sit down then I shut and locked the door. Once I was done I went over to him and said "Pony I'm ready."

Ponyboys POV:

Y/N just told me that she was ready. At first when she said it I was confused but then I looked at her to try and understand what she meant and that's when I realized what she meant. So I said "But that breaks Darry's rules Y/N. Are  you sure you really want to do this?" To which she responded "Yes,I've been ready." Then she pushed me back and started kissing me. I instantly kissed back not knowing what I was getting into. She was now on top of me kissing me but she paused and asked "Do you want to be in control or..." I flipped her underneath me and said "How's this for an answer." As I made my way to her neck kissing it roughly. She then let out a moan of pleasure and started tugging at my shirt to get it off. Once she got it off she started traceing her fingers along my abs as I was trailing kisses down her neck until I made it to her chest and pulled her shirt off and took off her bra. We continued going at it for about an hour until we heard footsteps in the hall. We immediately scrambled apart and quickly put our clothes on and unlocked the door. We snuggled next to each other pretending to be a sleep until the footsteps stopped. When they were gone we both started giggling. Probably because of the adrenaline rush from almost getting caught. Once we stopped giggling we decided to go to bed so we kissed each other good night and went to sleep.

Y/N's POV:

I woke up to Pony's arms wrapped around my waist and Soda jumping on the foot of the bed saying "Get up you two me and Sandy have a surprise for you!" This caused Pony to let out a groan. But I said "Okay Soda we'll be right down after we get dressed." So Soda left so we could get ready. Me and Pony got ready and went downstairs hand in hand. Soda and Sandy had us sit on the couch. Then they put blind folds on us. We sat there patiently holding hands the whole time. Then out of nowhere something jumped on the couch and started licking us. When we took our blindfoldeds off we saw a cute Rottweiler. I was supper excited. I asked what it's name was and Soda said "Her name is Ella." I said "Aw how cute.Can we take her for a walk?"

Soda said "Yea sure just be back in an hour to help bake a chocolate cake for game night later

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Soda said "Yea sure just be back in an hour to help bake a chocolate cake for game night later." I then said "Alright." And grabbed Pony's arm and the leash then headed out the door. When we got far enough away from the house I looked at Pony and said "So do you want to talk about last night?" He looked at me his cheeks were flushed red and said "Y/N last night was amazing I would do it again anytime." Then he kissed my forehead. But we were interrupted with a tap on the shoulder. And we turned around to see Dally with a stern look on his face. And he said "Now just what were you to talking about?" I gulped and nervously looked at Ponyboy for reassurance.  He then gripped my hand and said "Oh it was nothing Dal." He just looked at us rolled his eyes and said "You Guys had sex didn't you." I could feel my cheeks start to burn up and I knew Dally would find out eventually so I said "Ok fine you caught us." Dally looked me and Pony over and said "Now I ain't looking to be the one to tell Two and Darry about this." To which Pony said "Ok then don't tell them." And I said " Dally please don't tell." With the puppy dog eyes. And he said "Alright fine but only because I love you two now don't do it again you hear me?" And me and Pony looked at each other then back at Dal and said " K we won't." Then we headed back to the house to help with the cake.

Sorry for such a short chapter I've just been really busy sorry again.

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