Gender reveals Part 9

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Y/N's POV:

We are now heading back home from the park. My legs are kinda tired and it gave me an idea. I stopped walking and asked Pony and Johnny "Can we have a piggyback race back to the house?" Johnny said "Oh I don't know if Melody w-" But Melody cut him off before he could finish and said "Please please please Johnny I would love a piggyback ride." That and her puppy dog eyes quickly got Johnny to cave and he said "Oh alright just this once." "Yay" me and Melody squealed in unison. I quickly jumped on Pony's back and she got on Johnny's. We then took off. Me and Pony won of course since he is the fastest on the school track team. When we got there we ran into Soda and Sandy getting ready to leave. They laughed when they saw the 4 of us. I was about to ask where they were going when I remembered what today was. And that they had the gender reveal appointment. I quickly hopped off Pony's back and ran up to Soda. I started begging and pleading to Sodapop "Soda can we please please please pretty please come to the appointment." He just stared at me getting ready to answer when Pony grabbed me by the waist pulling me close and said "Calm down love." Then gave me a quick kiss on my forehead. I blushed and said "I love you Pony." He smiled and said "I love you too baby" Soda then answered and said that we can all go. I was over joyed.

Ponyboys POV:

I took Y/N's hand and we hoped into Sodas car. Y/N sat in the middle next to me and Melody with Johnny on the other side of Melody and Soda and Sandy in the front. As Soda started driving he looked at us through the mirror and said "So who's the girl sitting next to Y/N and Johnny?" Melody just sat quietly. So Y/N spoke up and said "She's my bestie and Johnny's new girl Melody." Soda smiled brightly saying "good job Johnny" causing Melody and Johnny to blush and me and Y/N to giggle. The rest of the drive was silent Y/N fell asleep with her head on my shoulder so I just looked out the window. I was having thoughts about that other night with Y/N. I couldn't help but think about how lucky I am to have her all to myself. How ever though I was snapped out of my thoughts when we arrived at the clinic and Y/N woke up. I looked over at her and admired how beautiful she was as she stretched. I then spoke up and said "How was your nap beautiful?" Causing her to giggle her beautiful giggle and reply "It was great." Then give me a quick but passionate kiss. Making Sandy and Melody say "aww" And Soda and Johnny laugh. After that we all walked into the clinic and Sandy got called back immediately. Y/N was so excited. Which she is adorable when she is. We got back to the room and there was only 2 chairs so me and Johnny sat down and Melody and Y/N sat on our laps while Soda stood by Sandy. The doc came in and did the ultrasound. When she did she wrote the genders on a piece of paper and asked Sandy and Soda who to give it to. I knew Soda was going too say Y/N because of how excited she was. She was wiggling around so much in my lap I almost got a boner but luckily I didn't. Soda replied and like I said he would he said "You can give it to Y/N" Causing her to jump off my lap and go get the paper.  When she got the paper Soda said "You can look and the results but don't tell anyone until we get back home to the rest of the gang." Y/N said "Ok I'll try."

Darry' POV:

I was sitting in my chair when Y/N rushed in the door smiling yelling at everyone to hurry up. I laughed and said "What's got you so excited." She paused for a second looked at me and said "I have the genders to Soda and Sandy's babies!!!" That's when Pony came in and picked her up brought her to the couch and said "okay okay calm down babe." I just rolled my eyes and called Dally,Two,and Steve in the room. When Soda,Sandy, and Johnny finally made it in I saw Johnny had a girl with him. So I nudged Dally and pointed it out to him. And Dally being Dally he whistled and said "Oooo who's the girl Johnny?" Causing both him and her to blush. Johnny said "Oh um um this this is my my girlfriend Melody." Dally whistled again and said "Wait to go Johnny she's real pretty." Soda then cleared his throught and said "Ok back to why we're really here Y/N go ahead and tell us." Everyone fell silent as Y/N stood up next to Soda and Sandy. She then carefully unfolded the paper and said "SODA SANDY YALL ARE HAVING GIRLS." That's when Soda hugged Sandy and everyone cheered. Steve said "Yay I'm going to have nieces finally more greaser girls in the gang." And we all just laughed.

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