-14- Warmth

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Gyutaro was supposed to be jealous. He was supposed to be hateful, spiteful, and furious. But he was laughing. He was laughing because Doma's kid just got fucking slapped by Akaza and the kid had just got a face full of dirt! It was hilarious!

"Keep your feet closer together; up, we do it again!" Akaza ordered. Surprisingly, the kid jumped to his feet from where he lay sprawled and roared in anger as he charged the demon. Gyutaro only hummed from where he sat in the trees.  Pathetic, pathetic, pathetic... 

Akaza easily dodged the little kid's futile attempt at a punch and danced around the child, giving him the gentlest punch Gyutaro had ever seen the demon deliver. It still made the kid double over, coughing and rasping as his breath left him. The kid fell to his hands and knees, like the useless little thing he was, and Gyutaro snickered to see that pretty face contort in fury and pain.

"You're too angry. Keep your emotions in check when it comes to your control. Get as angry as you want but use that to perfect your attacks, not weaken them. Understand?" Three's voice was stern and Gyutaro wanted to sneer by how smooth it sounded. Nothing like his own voice... nothing like him...

"I get it! Okay!? I get it!" Inosuke yelled back surprisingly heartily as he pushed himself up again and whirled around, his fists raised.

"Open your palms," Akaza encouraged, his tone always surprisingly strange to Gyutaro. There was something about the way the demons in this strange collection spoke that made something under his skin crawl. It was... wrong; cushioned and dull. Akaza's voice had always been sharp, like a slayer's blade that carved through demon flesh. Doma's had always been light and piercing, like the shrieking sound of two blades when they clashed together. Now both demons spoke with their voices dull and gentle. It was just wrong.

"They're open!" the human boy's snark pulled Gyutaro back to the entertainment at hand. The boy copied Akaza's stance and stood ready, in preparation.

"I'm going to punch, and you're going to block," Akaza stated dangerously, there was the tone Gyutaro was more familiar with.

"Come at me!" the brat challenged.

Akaza did so and the kid went fucking flying. Gyutaro almost fell out of the tree, cackling, as the kid fell backward, sprawling. GOD! Didn't the brat get that it was useless? That was Upper-Fucking-THREE and he was a scrawny lump of flesh! It was too good - 

"Well if you're so prepared, why don't you come down here and try it, Six." 

Gyutaro stopped laughing as that dangerous tone was turned to him. He looked down and saw that Akaza was glaring at him. The damn brat was wiping blood off his nose and his fucking eyes were tearing. Oh, come on - was Three really about to be punished for making a fucking human cry?

He could do so much worse.

"You heard me," Akaza growled and Gyutaro's skin crawled. Akaza wasn't a Muzan level threat, but he wasn't much further down. If push came to shove Gyutaro had a feeling Akaza could rip him apart and stake him to the ground until the sun rose.

Best to obey and get the worst of it over. He climbed out of the tree, sneering as he walked up and glared up at Akaza. He stood perfectly still and invited the blows, get out your fucking anger you emotionally constipated striped idiot.

But there was no punch thrown. Gyutaro cocked his head in confusion as Akaza rolled his eyes.

"You're really going to defend yourself with that stance?" Akaza demanded.


You didn't defend when you were being fucking punished. If you had power, you use it. If you didn't, you ate whatever was thrown at you.

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