-7- Mirakuru

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Inosuke was waiting in the arms of a few cultists who had taken the boy from Kohota when she had rushed away, apparently looking for Doma. No one had known what she was doing out of the temple or why she had looked as though she had run a couple of miles but they didn't have much time to question her either.

Many were already gossiping about what had transpired between the two and some already feared the worst. Then Doma and Kotoha walked into the dining room, arm in arm, and beaming at each other and the gossip almost exploded to excited chatter. No one noticed or questioned why Doma smelled like smoke and burned flesh. He looked fine and his smile looked even purer.

Kotoha retrieved Inosuke from Tsu and thanked him before returning Inosuke to his normal position in her arm. He looked to Doma and let out an excited babble as he yet again reached for the ribbon on Doma's headdress.

"I can't tell if it's me he likes or my headdress," Doma pondered.

Kotoha laughed and leaned on his shoulder, "I'm certain it's you."


Saying life had 'meaning' was something no demon had really considered.

There were goals in life. Akaza sought to become the strongest. Kokushibo sought to serve Muzan as best as he could. Muzan sought perfection. But what meaning was there in the life of an immortal?

Doma hadn't realized how empty life had been until there was a meaning to it. A reason to stand up every day and function, to look forward to each day. A reason to smile and continue to live. Doma would often ponder his earlier useless existence and would always come to the same conclusion.

He had been a dog. A mindless sort of beast that was content to eat and live and pondered nothing of its purpose because it lived only to bring joy to its master. Saying demons were "the top of the food chain" was true in a way, but an absolute lie in another. Demons had no sophistication in their lives... they didn't live. If they ever thought for themselves they'd be slaughtered or dragged back to the infinity fortress by the Kibutsuji curse at Muzan's orders.

It wasn't life... it was eternal servitude.

With Kotoha and Inosuke, Doma lived. His purpose was to stay by their side and watch their lives play out, his calling was to Kotoha and her smile. The happiness in his heart became a common feeling and he adored it.

How much had he been missing all these many years? What a sad existence he had lived.

"You've got that face again," Kotoha laughed one day as she looked at him. The two were walking down the hall of the temple, keeping away from the windows but admiring how the warmth of the sun streamed into the halls.

"What face?" Doma asked.

"You're staring at me, and you're thinking about something," Kotoha smiled, trying to read the emotion in his eyes.

Doma pondered that for a moment before returning the smile, "I suppose I'm simply thinking about how lucky I am."

"Oh aren't you a sweet talker," Kotoha giggled lightly bumping in Doma which made something in him flutter nervously.

Nervousness, he had decided, was his second least favorite emotion, next to guilt.

"I'm telling the truth," Doma murmured wrapping an arm around her waist, "I can't think of a demon who could ever be luckier than I."

That was the truth. Pure and simple.

"You're not the only lucky one," Kotoha smiled leaning on his chest as they walked the halls they knew so well.

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