-11- Gyutaro and Daki

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Wrath. Anger. Fury. Hatred.

Those emotions filled Muzan to the brim, making him want to kill and destroy everything in his path.

It was one thing for it to be Doma. It was one thing for Doma, the Upper Moon he had always hated, to betray him. Doma, who could get under everyone's skin like a writhing little worm. Doma, who had only been good for his hunger and power. Doma was no real loss of loyalty. But Akaza?

Akaza... Akaza had been loyal, stubborn, and had held a drive for strength. Those were things Muzan needed, those were things Muzan desired in a subordinate. 

Why then, had he betrayed and deserted Muzan? Why had he joined up with the very demon who he despised? Akaza helping Doma? Such a thing was so inconceivable that Muzan couldn't wrap his head around it. It didn't just make no sense it was impossible! Gods themselves wouldn't be able to make the two of them get along!

The fact was that it had happened and Muzan now had two immensely powerful traitors. This... this was even worse than Tamayo. Suppose the two found Tamayo... suppose she was to test their blood and find a way to kill him. What if they had already found her (that would explain why he couldn't see through their eyes or drag them back). No, that could not happen! That cannot happen!!

What demons could Muzan send to kill them? They were two of his strongest! How could he stop this!?

Kokushibo was a force to be reckoned with, but could he stop both of them? Could he snatch the hybrid child? Could he risk them infecting Kokushibo with whatever moral stupidity had overtaken both of them!?


Those two were so strong that Muzan himself would have to be involved himself to ensure victory... but surely Akaza and Doma knew that. Surely they expected him to show himself, they were many things but neither of them was a fool. They would have a plan.

If he wasn't careful he'd walk into a trap... He was certain he could stop both of them in their tracks. But he'd been certain that Akaza was loyal. He'd been certain that Doma's pet humans had been just that; measly pets. He'd been certain and now he was paying for it. If he wasn't cautious... if he wasn't careful...

Muzan hissed and in his bloodlust and rage grew. Someone had to pay. Someone had to be punished! 

The demon lord's blood pounded in his ears and his fingers thrummed with uncontrolled anger. He stalked the streets of a city, finding himself a meal... one that screamed and begged. Once that one was dead and devoured, scores of others followed. The blood soothed Muzan's anger as his hunger was quenched and watching mere mortals contort in fear and agony at his whim was enough to calm the fury that resided in his eyes. 

That's right, he was all-powerful. He was near-perfect. He would make those two rue the day they'd fallen from grace. The blood on his hands and lips ensured his strength.

When it was done and only the carnage remained, Muzan summoned Nakime and had her transport him to the infinity fortress where he met with Kokushibo. The one constant that Muzan was certain would never sway (but certainty was a fickle thing as of late).

"Master," Kokushibo bowed, expecting some sort of scorning for his failure. None came.

Muzan had to keep loyalties close. Doma and Akaza were terrible threats to his existence and should demons start turning to those two... Muzan would face a terrible threat. He needed demons he could trust close to him and would cull the rest. It was time to cleanse his ranks.

"Thank you for your loyalty, Kokushibo," Muzan told the demon. Of all the pawns he held, Kokushibo was one of his most favored, and Muzan would not lose him to the temptation of rebellion. Somewhere in the back of his mind, Muzan may even consider Kokushibo the closest thing he had to a partner. He was powerful, staunch, full of fortitude and loyalty. He must be kept close.

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