-10- Akaza

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He was a dead man.

That was all that rang in Akaza's skull as he bowed before Muzan. He was a dead. man. His strength would not save him this time, not against Kibutsuji. He was going to die. He was going to die. He was going to - 

"Bring him to me and you'll be forgiven." Kibutsuji's voice was ice grating over Akaza's bones. The demon lord stood but a foot away, his eyes burning with rage and his veins bulging from his skin. "You did not know what he meant to me so I will forgive you for letting him go. But you must bring him and his daughter to me. Do you understand Akaza?"

Akaza slowly nodded as he sat up from his kowtow. His hands were shaking - why were his hands shaking.

He kept seeing that girl. Doma's girl, with his eyes and his face. With a big fearful expression that had almost matched her father's. Her father's

Doma had indeed produced a spawn. And now Muzan wanted her. She was the key to his perfection.

Her. That was another thing, was he expected to fight the little girl? And what about Doma's woman - the mother of the child. He should stop thinking.

"That would be wise, indeed," Muzan scowled. Akaza tensed under the tone and felt something strange in him as he prepared for punishment.

He'd been here before... not... not here, but someplace similar. He'd been beaten and bruised, his back had hurt and his wrists burned. They had burned so terribly. It had been his third tattoo mark, a blue stripe staining his wrists for the third time marking him as a thief.

A thief. A pickpocket.

"Next time, I'll cut off your wrists."

Akaza shook his head and grimaced. He couldn't think. He couldn't think about it right now.

"You will go with Kokushibo. You will bring me Doma and his daughter. What you do with the other humans is none of my concern. Do this and I'll forgive you." Muzan ordered.

His voice though was overlayed with the other, older voice... the magistrate. The Magistrate.

"You are a demon child."

The Magistrate. Who beat him for stealing. Why had he been stealing? He couldn't recall - 

"As you demand it, it will be done," Kokushibo spoke for the both of them and Akaza managed a mild nod. 

"Then go, quickly," Muzan ordered of them, and they were off. He ran alongside Kokushibo and as Nakime's string sounded out they found themselves bursting into the open air.

The night was thick, the stars were dim, Akaza was a hunter... so why did he feel hunted?


"Thief!! Help, Someone - Thief!!"

"Repent! And find a damn job!"

He ran faster, his feet pushing him forward past Kokushibo. He didn't have to breathe but for some reason, his breaths felt labored, heavier. He felt smaller, younger... weaker. He was running as fast as he could and he needed to get stronger. Why? To fight. Why? To fight against those who come back for what I stole. To fight back against the Magistrate. Why? To get medicine! WHY!?

"Live an honest life. You can still turn over a new leaf"


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