-35- Survivors

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(Yes, the way the kimono is worn insinuates Shinobu is dead. No, she is not dead, this picture just matched the vibe)

The next day was a blur of tending wounds and collecting information. Crows flowed in and out of windows with updates, their feathers and shadows accompanying the morning rays of the unforgiving sun. The hashiras consulted their corvids and compared notes, setting up a makeshift planning space to discuss all that had happened and make changes as they heard of it. Luckily, there was a map of Japan that one swordsmith had handy and plenty of ink to make changes as needed.

The entire group had collected in a larger house that had been spared from the destruction as they tended to the worst of their wounds; namely Muichiro, Gyomei, and Tanjiro. Tanjiro had been taken to a doctor urgently, Zenitsu going with him and bringing the box that safely housed a sleeping Nezuko. Nezuko, whose hands were still clean of blood. Tanjiro's torso wounds and Nezuko's fatigue were terrible reminders of what could've so easily been. 

So was the smell of smoke that hung in the air and the lack of scorch marks.

Muichiro and Gyomei should've received the same treatment, but the pillars both resented such a statement - the youngest threatening to fight tooth and nail should anyone try to force him into care. Bandages and stitching would be done in the planning room - all else be damned. The Pillars of the Demon Slayer Corpse still had work to do. It took only half an hour, but their wounds were sutured to the best of anyone's present ability and that was all Muichiro would allow.

After that, it was only a game of waiting and responding. Their birds flew in for reconnaissance and bearing messages, their master's experience and knowledge filled in the rest. The news was a mixture of joy and grief, and so the morning also brought about a new wealth of tears. Kanae's crow was the most notable of such messages. It flew to Kyojuro, frazzled but sharing its report with a spirit that betrayed its emotions:

"The butterfly estate is destroyed in last night's attack! Eight slayers are dead. Forty live! Kanae, Shinobu, and Kanao Kocho send their regards. As does the Wind Pillar!"

That did make Kyojuro breathe a sigh of relief, along with other hashiras in the room. Doma still sat staunchly, yet fearfully, in the shadows. His children and Akaza were resting by his side. The other demon had yet to stir but had been lain carefully upon the oak floorboards. Inosuke had passed out, despite his best efforts, the effects of the battle catching up to him in a wave of exhaustion that few humans could fight. Inosuke was battered from his fight with Upper Three and, had fallen asleep albeit sitting against the wall. Miku should've been sleeping, weariness settling under her restless eyes - and perhaps she was resting in some way, sitting and leaning on her father's side. Her eyes were open. Her hands were clenched. She did not breathe and she did not blink.

"And... what of the other residents of the butterfly estate? Kotoha? Aoi? Kiyo?" Kyojuro asked the bird at the windowsill, knowingly.

"Alive." The crow's answer brought a sob to Doma's throat. The Flame hashira looked back and saw the demon holding his mouth, tears of relief pooling in his eyes. Miku hadn't stirred and the Flame Hashira began to suspect the girl was sleeping, simply resting with her eyes open. 

"Alive," Doma echoed gratefully. "Alive."

"And the demons?" Kyojuro inquired further: "Daki and Gyutaro?"

"Alive," nodded the crow.

Kyojuro smiled at the news and bowed: "Then send my regards to Kanae. Tell her that there are no further developments. Then, thank Kaname for his good work and expediency - tell him to rest his wings at the estate and keep an eye on things."

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