Big brother Y/N

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The one where: We get to see Y/N's role in his family!

Featuring: Y/N, Vi, Powder, Vander, Claggor, Ekko, and Mylo

Happens around: Before Act 1

Here we go!


Slowly, you opened your eyes, blinking a few times to find yourself staring at the ceiling. You sat up, rubbing your eyes to adjust yourself to your surroundings

It was oddly peaceful, Mylo wasn't shouting, nothing was exploding. and e--

Vi: Hey!

A pillow was thrown at your face out of nowhere. Slowly, it fell off and allowed you to see the culprit: A smirking pink-haired girl standing in the doorway

You: Good morning to you too

She chuckled at your half-asleep behavior

Vi: Vander needs your help

You: Right, right...

You yawned and cracked your neck



11:30 am (for the sake of having a way to measure time in this universe)


Now dressed, you walked up to the bar, being greeted by the customers that liked to spend their mornings in the bar. Not necessarily to drink, just for the ambiance

Soon, you spotted your father standing outside the bar, looking up at something. You approached, still yawning a little and indirectly getting his attention

Vander: Morning, Y/N

You: Morning, old man

You rubbed the back of your head as you stood next to Vander and another person

You: So, what do we have here?

Vander: The lights of the sign stopped working. I was thinking of replacing them, but I thought, why not try a different color?

You: Wait, we can afford another color?

Your father laughed at this

Vander: We do, but just once. So we have to choose wisely

You turned to look at the flickering blue lights that illuminated the sign for the bar. You placed a hand on your chin as you stared at it, then looked at the area surrounding it

You: What about some yellow?

Vander: Yellow?

You: Yeah, it's cheaper to get, and it makes for a bit more welcoming contrast, Besides, it'll be easier on the eye once it gets dark

The man next to Vander nodded in agreement

Vander thought on it for a minute and then looked back at you with a smile

Vander: Alright, good call, Y/N. I knew you were the right person for this

You smiled at his praise when something else caught your attention

A gasp followed by quick footsteps and suddenly, a hug from a little blue-haired girl. She had a bag with her

Powder: There you are! I've been looking for you

You chuckled and ruffled her hair

You: Have you, now?

She nodded and let go of you

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