Into the future

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A/N: This one goes for the ever so lovely Sypha! Thank you once again for the treat!

The one where: We get to see possible the future of the Arcane characters, you included! (This took a while to come up with)

Keep in mind, this is a possible future following the game lore as well as what we know from the show. If I'm still around by the time season 2 wraps up, this won't be the future I'll use

Featuring: Oh boy, SO many characters

Happens around: Possible future!

Here we go!


"What will my future be?"

Isn't that the question we all have asked ourselves at some point? What path would the consequences of our actions take us?

While we can't answer that for ourselves, we can take a glimpse at what the future might have in store for others. Namely, the inhabitants of Piltover and Zaun

What events happened following that fateful night when Jinx was truly born after saying her heart-wrenching goodbyes to her brother at that cannery?

Let's find out


A new age began after that night, one of constant change and struggles for both Piltover and Zaun. First, the shining city of progress had lost its head. The Council had been destroyed by a devastating attack that came seemingly out of nowhere

Those who survived were left in critical condition. Not everyone returned from their hospital trip

This, of course, served as a way to reignite the hatred between Piltover and Zaun, and without the culprit of the attack being apprehended (because she disappeared for years), the people turned to each other to get someone to blame

And so, a myriad of riots and fighting gave birth to overall anarchy in Piltover, at least until a new Council was formed

It was during these times of chaos and uncertainty that Jayce, HeimerdingerCaitlyn, and her new partner Vi were crucial in order to return the city to a more "civilized" behavior, but even then, everyone knew that the road to recovery would be a difficult one as it was, so tearing each other's heads would help no one

As for these four people, Jayce would return to lead the new Council, with Caitlyn becoming the new Sheriff, and surprisingly enough, Vi would become an Enforcer, serving as young Kiramman's partner. It was rough getting used to all the formality and paperwork, but she adjusted eventually

Heimerdinger returned to Piltover, having learned plenty from his stay with an unlikely friend, and promptly began to put his mind into developing new inventions to help the people. Although some of his creations were a bit more on the unhinged side, he was still very much a brilliant being

Unfortunately, partnerships were also broken, such was the case with one of Piltover's geniuses and a close friend to Jayce, Viktor

The man lost himself in the experiments with the Hexcore, to the point that parts of his body weren't even human anymore, and started rambling about a new way to bring evolution through questionable means

It didn't take long for him to become a dangerous man, and he forged his own armor with which he attempted to take over Piltover and use it as a starting point for his "glorious evolution", only to be defeated by Caitlyn, Vi, and Jayce himself. Viktor vanished from the city of progress, and some rumor to have seen him lurking in Zaun

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